
10 Money Making Ideas for Teenagers

Looking to supplement your allowance? If you do not have a regular afterschool job but want some extra cash here are some ways that teenagers can make money.

Snow Shoveling Did school get called off because of snow? Celebrate the snow day and then head out with a shovel. You're likely to find enough snow shoveling work to fill your day. Do not be shy – if you see someone shoveling ask the person if they'd like you to shovel. Many people will be happy to pay for someone to do the job. Consider pairing up with a friend or two. More shovelers will make the jobs go much more quickly. You'll each be able to make money every time the snow flies.

Leaf Raking Autumn brings money making opportunities. Walk around your neighborhood and if you see a yard that has not been raked knock on the owner's door. It's a good idea to print some flyers with your contact info that you can leave at the door. Leaf raking is not an emergency job like snow shoveling so you may get a call from homeowners days or weeks after leaving a flyer.

Moving Help Do you live in a neighborhood where plenty of people move in and out of apartments? If the moving vans and rental trucks start appearing on neighborhood streets there may be a chance to make some money. If your neighbors have rented a truck ask them if they'd like some help with the move.

Housecleaning Cleaning houses is a great way to make some money after school. Some people may want your to come every week to clean. Older homeowners need assistance with cleaning projects. Cleaning your room at home might not be your favorite thing to do but when you can make money cleaning becomes much more appealing. Word of mouth will help you to get jobs. Your parents may have a friend who would appreciate the help. Once somebody hires you to clean ask them if any of their friends need assistance.

Babysitting Babysitting has always been an excellent money making opportunity for teenagers. Wages have gone up considerably since my babysitting days. It's not uncommon for popular babysitters to have their choice of jobs. If you're babysitting in the evening there may be time to work on your homework once the kids are in bed.

Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Do you like pets? You can make some money walking dogs or pet sitting while pet owners are away. If you're comfortable with more than one dog you might be able to walk a couple of dogs at once and make twice as much money. Put up a flyer on a neighborhood bulletin board or in your apartment building lobby to find pet owners looking for help.

Computer Help There are always people looking for help with their computers. Computer tasks that are easy for you can be very difficult for people who did not grow up with computers. They will be happy to pay you to help them with computer problems. Many will become repeat customers and pay you to teach them about their computer and computer programs, to troubleshoot, and to show them time-saving tips and techniques. You can help them with email, word processing, computer clean up, social media, etc.

Kindle Book Publishing Do you like to write ? Amazon has made it very easy to publish your own books or short stories for the Kindle ereader. If your books take off you can make good money with Kindle publishing. You'll need to publish through your parents account if you're under 18.

Create Web Sites for Local Businesses Do you have your own blog or website? If you're able to create websites you can make money by putting together web sites for local businesses or organizations. You can use a template that will cut down on the time you'll need to create a new site. Include a link at the bottom that provides a way for new customers to contact you.

Sell ​​Stuff on eBay You can sell unused video games, toys, books clothes and more on eBay. Spend some time to create a good listing and you'll make more money. Take good photographs and write a full description. Your title and description needs to include the words and brand names that people will search for when looking to buy. Describe your item honestly and list any defects. You have to be 18 to have an eBay account so if you're not you'll have to list your items on your parent's account.

People are busy nowadays and often will welcome your help with a variety of tasks. Put the word out that you're eager to find work. Often people looking for teenagers for odd jobs like cleaning or yard care will call the local high school, youth center, or church. Make sure that the school secretary or the leaders at the youth center know that you're looking for jobs. Once you get a job you'll need to impress your employer. Do good work, show up when expected, and be friendly and polite. More money making opportunities will follow.

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