
10 Ways to Overcome Exercise Procrastination

So you've made up your mind to get in shape, but can not summon the willpower to follow through? Nowadays more people are aware of the benefits of exercising and deciding to enroll themselves in a gym. The problem is, exercise demands a lot from you, and not just in terms of money. It takes time, effort and will to stick to exercise every day, and most of the time exercise does not yield immediate results. Luckily there are ways you can turn to for you to bypass procrastinating on working out, no matter what the day and mood you may be in.

1. One way to bypass procrastinating in exercise is time management. You need to allot a specific time to working out. Whatever time that is and how long is up to you. The key is to make exercise a non-negotiable, high-priority item in your schedule. Treat exercise as if it is a lunch meeting or an important event you absolutely must attend. This way you'll always have the time to hit the gym.

2. Another way to do this is to give yourself little rewards. And, no, the reward is not a trip to the buffet table. Rather, you must reward yourself with something that complements your goals and makes you happy at the same time. Treat yourself to a relaxing massage, for example, get a facial, or excuse yourself from that little chore you detest doing but can be put off. Reward yourself, and do it often.

3. It's also good to know that exercise itself is a good stress management technique. This is because exercise decreases the levels of cortisol and other stress hormones as well as boosting the levels of endorphins, thus alleviating stress and replacing it with a feeling of well-being. Exercise is also a healthy outlet for venting unhealthy emotions, and serve as a distraction. So if work gets you down, be sure to hit the gym.

4. Yet another way to avoid procrastinating is by working out with a fitness buddy. It helps to have someone friendly with you when doing the most challenging workout routines to cheer you on and rejoice and despairs with, and to remind you of your goal to be fit when you're feeling too much food On your plate.

5. In connection to number 5, participate in a community of people committed to fitness. Read blogs with success stories of people who lose weight, share your experiences in online forums, and ask questions. That way you get more support as well as insight into your journey to getting fit.

6. If you have the money to spare, invest in a personal trainer. Not only is a personal trainer apt to give extra motivation, but it's good to have an expert to help and advice you in your efforts.

7. It may also be helpful to have a workout routine. By its very name, a workout routine gives you a fixed set of activities that, if done consistently, will feel like a natural part of your day-to-day life that you'll be bothered about if you do not do it. Just remember that sticking with a workout routine requires dedication, too.

8. Incorporate simple exercises into your daily activities. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car so you get to walk a reasonable distance to your office. Do stretching exercises every hour or so when you're stuck in front of the computer. That way you're always exercising, even if you're not in the gym.

9. Take pictures of your progress. If you're just starting out, take a picture of yourself and place it beside a picture of your ideal body. Put these on the fridge or some other visible place in your house. This should serve to remind you always.

10. Set specific, time-bound goals and write it down. Planning to lose 10 pounds? Make a specific timeframe for you to achieve that, say this month. Chances are, you will actually lose 10 pounds this month if you put it on paper.

There is no doubt that being fit is important, and the only way to being fit is through exercise. So do not let yourself sink into the couch and chicken out on your workout. Just keep your goals in mind, surround yourself with the people and the things you need to get going, and just get to it.

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