3 Facts About Ergonomic Keyboards and You

Ergonomic keyboards.

In a world full of technology you hear about these quite often. However, alternative keyboards might not be all they are cracked up to be.


Because too many people choose to use alternative keyboards as crutches rather than tools. Even while typing this article I am finding myself having to lift up my hands and stop resting them on the keyboard repeatedly. Never mind my legs being crossed under my chair or my body posture.

See, ergonomics is not a bad thing when used as part of a systematic approach to working on computers. However, in and of itself an alternative keyboard will not solve as much as if we use the tool combined with other valuable ingredients.

*** Your Body ***

You can buy another wireless ergonomic keyboard easily enough. No matter how science progresses you only get one body and replacing its parts can be quite a hassle at best. Therefore, take care of yourself.

· Proper rest

· Good nutrition

· Plenty of water

All these are important elements that you should make a daily part of your life. Believe it or not, the more you take care of yourself the less likely you will incur injuries from computer keyboards.

*** Your Posture ***

While working on your computer try to avoid lazy body positions.

· Keep your wrists elevated

· Keep your feet flat on the floor

· Sit straight without slouching

These are all good pointers though hard to do, especially if you work at the computer for longer time periods.

*** Breaks ***

Many days I am working well over 10 hours a day on my laptop. Without keeping my fluids going I can often go several hours without interruption.

Therefore, I drink water and a lot of it during the day.

Not only is this good for my body, but it also – well, I’ll let you draw the conclusion to what happens when someone drinks a lot of water. The bottom line is I get a break even if it is only 2.5 minutes.

*** Stretching ***

While taking that break move your body around.

Computers are meant to stay relatively stationary, even laptops, which are much more portable. On the other hand, humans are supposed to be mobile.

So while taking that 2.5 minute break do some stretches. It doesn’t take much, and it will help you when you return to your desk.

*** Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard ***

With all of the above in place you will now find the best results from alternative keyboards.

See, I’m not against using them as part of a holistic process for complete results. However, if you buy an ergonomic keyboard and think that it is all you need you are fighting a losing battle that will sooner or later become painfully serious.

Sometimes I see people with ergonomic keyboards sitting on their lap as they lean back reclined in their chair working away. If the tool is not going to be used in the manner for which it was meant, then why use it?

However, when you are ready to turn your ergonomic keyboards into powerful tools that will keep you going the distance for the long-term then they are great additions to a complete strategy of success for you, your body and your life.