
7 Incredible Uses of Your Clothes Iron

Do you have an iron? Most of us do. Now, the bigger question: How often do you use it? Do you have your clothes ironed at a laundry? Not a big deal. The iron at your home can still find a variety of uses to prove its worth. There are some incredibly unique things you can do with your iron. Read on and you will find that you’ve been missing out on a lot of these. You might even gain a bit more respect for the iron kept at your home.

Here are the 7 most unique uses of an iron that you’ve never thought of.

1. An Alternative Grill

Barbecues need time to get heated up and ready for grilling. An iron can act as an emergency grill while you’re craving a delightful grilled sandwich. It’s DIY and too easy. Ready up your sandwich and wrap it up in square shaped aluminum foil on the top and bottom. Keep the hot iron on your sandwich for about 10 minutes. Then, flip over the sandwich and place the iron on the other side for another 10. You’ve just grilled yourself a yummy sandwich.

2. The Plastic Sealer

You might at some point need to seal polythene or plastic bags for various reasons. You may want to laminate some valuable papers. You may even need to pack some of your stuff in a plastic bag. Whatever be the case, an iron can help. Cover the end of plastic you want to seal with foil, and work the iron carefully over the foil only. The plastic melts with heat and becomes sealed. You can remove the foil afterwards.

3. Wallpaper Remover

Wallpapers look great on walls. What about the stubborn pieces of paper left when you remove wallpaper? That’s too ugly. Your cloth iron can help you get rid of this. Let’s learn how. Set your iron to steam mode and heat it up. Keep this hot iron at a slight distance from the wall. This creates soggy conditions around the paper. The heat from the steam loosens up the glue, and the moisture gets rid of the stubbornness of paper.

4. Cleaning up a Wax Mess

So you had a great candle lit dinner or just a gorgeous candle night. Check your surroundings. You might just have spilled a few drops of wax that refused not to stick. How to get rid of this wax stain with your iron, once again coming to the rescue. Cover the stain with foil and place the heated iron over it. Wax cleaning doesn’t get easier than this.

5. Dent Free Your Floors

After spending a fortune on the most expensive and attractive wood floors in your house, you don’t want to see dents left by foot traffic, accidents, or furniture. What’s the solution? Cover up the dented spot with foil and run your iron over it. The dent will disappear, and you’re done fixing your floor.

6. Remove Water Stains on Wood

Water is the enemy of wooden crafts. Water may sometimes leave a very unpleasant mark on our wooden furniture, floors, and other wooden stuff. Your cloth iron, again, gets some work there. Cover up the water stain on your wood with a cloth and run the iron over it at the lowest temperature. The heat that the iron transfers to the wood makes it moisture free.

7. Preserve Flowers

Flowers are gorgeous. They can also be a token of love. So when you receive that love in the form of bouquets, you may want to preserve not just the feeling of affection but the physical token you’ve been given. Would you believe me if I said an iron could do that too? Keep your flowers between a couple of pieces of wax paper and place some weight on it. After some time, put a paper towel over it and run the dry iron over it. The flowers are safe for a long time now.

So these were the seven best iron hacks for making your iron worth the investment. I’m sure you were unaware of a few of these. Let others also know what they don’t. Share the article.

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