Just like everything else in life, building a farm pond takes, first getting the idea, planning, preparation, location the actual digging. After all the hard work we add our own personalities to the pond with needed equipment and accessories. Then finally nature will take over, but we can help with adding plants and fish.
Step 1
The Idea:
When did building a farm pond become the idea? For some people it is just that they need water for the cattle. Others may have had a swimming pool and just are tired of taking care of it. Building a farm pond you can still swim, but also raise fish for food, fish for pets like a huge aquarium. Bring nature back to the property. And many more wonderful things
Step 2
Once the thought has come and you have decided to act upon that thought: You will need to check to see if you need a permit. Most important you should check with the neighbors. They may have concerns, like little children. And if you need a permit or meeting is required from the local government or state there will be a larger circle of neighbors involved. It is better to come from you than a letter in the mail.
Step 3
Finding the perfect spot:
Building a farm pond will require a natural water source in order to fill and maintain the water level. This can be from under ground springs, small seeps, rain run off, or bypassing from a small stream. Is the spot located for your viewing pleasure and privacy, or displayed for everyone to see. A Lot depends on your use f the pond
Step 4
Finding the best spot is great but not knowing if the ground will hold water in that location is some thing that needs to be found out. Do this by digging test holes to determine the subsoil structure in the pond location. Other preparations will include what type of farm pond is being built. There are two basic ways and a combination of, Dug, Dam or a little of both.
Step 5
Do it:
Determine if building a farm pond is some thing you can do or want to do. Make the call to a couple excavating companies to get quotes and ideas from them. If you have the heavy equipment necessary to build the pond, still call and get some ideas or ask if they could walk you through the process.
Operating heavy equipment and building your own pond can be rewarding time, but the lack of experience and pond building know how will slow down the progress and if done improperly could lead to a failed pond.
Step 6
Accessories and needed equipment:
Accessories, equipment, wiring and piping should be budgeted in at the beginning planning stage. The ponds best friend and the plants and fish are oxygen. Will the pond be near an electrical source to run pumps for waterfalls or fountains? The pond may be secluded enough that a windmill or solar power equipment may be necessary. Decks, docks, boat or kayak for entertainment should also be thought of.
Step 7
Adding life:
Nature will provide life over time. This is your time to help get things started faster. Adding plants for color, shade and oxygen by adding lilies and depending on your location if they will be tropical or Hardy’s. Adding game fish for fishing and Koi for their vibrant colors, your enjoyment and they help to keep the pond clean. But be careful they like to eat the plants. Frog’s will come naturally within the first year. Other wildlife will find the pond too including bird’s ducks and geese.
This goes to show there are steps in building a farm pond. Skipping any of them could create major damage, hassles, or a pond that is not very enjoyable. For more in depth details take a look a my farm pond.com or the resource box below.