Telephone Handling

A telephone communication is a two way communication process with rapport (relation of mutual understanding or trust between people).

Procedures to make a telephone call

  • Greetings
    • E.g. “Very Good Morning”
  • Identification (two way)
    • E.g. “I am ABC, Business Coordinator. Can I speak to Mr. ABC or I am requesting for an appointment with Mr. ABC”
  • Message taking
  • Obtaining Confirmation
  • Providing feedback
  • Closing the call

Procedures to receiving a telephone call

  • Greeting
    • E.g. “Good Morning, XYZ”
  • Caller identification
    • E.g. “May I know who is on speaking / line”
  • Message taking
    • E.g. “How may I help you”
  • Information giving and feedback (collect the contact details of the caller)
  • Closing the call
    • E.g. “Thanks, for your call” or “Thanks a lot for calling”

Planning telephone calls

  • Organizing the message – have supporting documents in hand.
  • Be aware of time and cost
  • Set priority for the message
  • Synthesize essential information and conclusion

Your voice on your telephone can say a lot about you and your company so here is some tips or guidance for Telephone handling:

  • Variety & Volume – A variety in the pace should be used or else it will be boring and monotonous for the listener. For example, when expressing important points please slow down. Volume can become a problem for listeners, don’t scream or don’t be so soft, be in between and make sure that other in the room are not disturbed.

  • Be optimistic about the caller and their concerns, requirements and their company. Be very polite.

  • Impact & Interest – Think about the words you use and how they can add impact – which words create pictures in the caller’s mind? This adds interest which should be audible – expressing your sincere interest in them.

  • Clarity & Confidence – Pronounce words clearly avoid voice drop at end of sentences and be confident of what you say, no “ers” & “umms”

  • Follow the track of the caller, emphasis on important words which are important. Don’t pause in between sentences. Be enthusiastic while greeting and closing the call.

  • Answer the call as quickly as possible

  • Keep all promises made – never let the caller chase you

  • Have the tools of trade near you – should be prepared always

  • Try to speak the same language the caller speaks

  • Show full interest and attention to the caller at all time

  • If you cannot give the information your caller requires, take the details and offer to call them back rather they hold on for an indefinite length of time.

  • If you have to transfer the call pass the details of the caller to that person before passing the caller through. Don’t make the caller repeat why he/she call every time when the call is passed.

  • Show charm, warmth, friendliness and courtesy

  • Place the phone receiver back softly otherwise it can bring a bad impression to customers

  • Always remember that the customers who telephone are not nuisances – they are your company’s livelihood.

  • You have to let go the tendency to evaluate, make judgments, set conditions, accept or reject any proposal or statement, the very first time and rather learn the art of being good listeners with proper understanding of the matter. If you can listen then you can communicate effectively.