Too Hot to Handle

Imagine that you forget;

– That the coffee was made with boiling water, or

– That the pot you were about to pick up – just came off the
burner, or

– That the car radiator was boiling as you removed the cap.

How long before you removed your hand from the source of the heat –
and pain?

Not long I'll bet – in fact, it's almost instantaneous – such is
the power of recognition within the organism – the ability of each
and every cell to 'respond.'

How long before the body recognizes the presence of pathogens – be
they infitesimally small, microscopic in fact, with names like;

– Germs

– Bacteria

– Viruses

Not long I'll bet – in fact it's almost instantaneous – such is the
ability of each and every cell to 'respond. "

At a critical point of pathological accumulation;

– The skin opens and squeezes out the accumulation of wastes in the
circulatory system.

– The kidneys go into overdrive and filter out the heavies.

– The lungs inflate, pump up and exhale noxious gases

– And the temperature usually rises in order to provide the heat
necessary to accomplish the extra-ordinary effort being produced.

These are signs that the body is trying to regulate itself – to
normalize itself – to return to a state of homeostasis.

And in this process of 'normalization' – in this process of getting
rid of the 'offending pathogen' – there is created a footprint.

The science of Naturopathy recognizes these prints as beneficial
and natural.

But those who believe in the 'germ theory of disease causation' see
this process as threatening and fraught with danger.

They call or name these footprints – 'diseases' and 'illnesses' –
and to this end they attack the prints with all the power in the
chemical world.

This, then, is another attempt at describing the difference between
Pure Naturopathy and all other forms of health care.

You either believe in the power of the body to heal itself or you
place your trust in the power of the pill.

– All matter is in motion – there is no need for a mover.

– The body heals itself – it needs no healer.

We need carers – those who facilitate the environment so that the
body can accomplish its task with the least amount of stress.

All the best in choosing where you place your trust.
