3 Tips to Transforming Your Room With Color

With these painting tips you can transform a room with color and accomplish it in a week.

Let color be your friend, do not fight it, but embrace color and use your imagination.

You may decide to paint just one accent wall or maybe the trim. Try painting the ceiling with some color it will make the room feel totally different.

1. Paint is very economic you can change the mood of a room by just by changing the color. Most rooms can be painted with 2 gallons or less. Paint is one of the cheapest way to transform a room from dull to elegant.

2. 50 Shades of gray more or less. Gray is very in and can vary how a room looks by what shade you use and where you decide to use it. Gray can vary from blue to green to brown. You can use your choice on the ceiling or all the walls or maybe just an accent wall. I would suggest getting a sample of your choice and painting a spot on the wall so you can see how this looks different times of the day. You could paint a piece of thin plywood or poster board different colors that you are favorite and hang them on the wall to see how the light at different times of the day affects them. One trick would be to paint in different shades of the same gray using dark on one wall with a lighter shade on the other.

3. Painting does not require a lot of tools or equipment to get started, You will need an angled brush for cutting in the edges, a roller, roller head, and a pole would be nice so you can reach to the ceiling. Also needed is a tray and a step ladder. Some tape and something to cover the floor. You should be able to complete your project in a weekend. Take your time and tape the trim and cover the floor and furniture with plastic. You can do the cutting in first or last just make sure you do not the painted area dry completely before finishing. It is always best to cut in when the paint is still damp.

Use your imagination and change the mood of the room to your taste. If you lack imagination for color look on the web for inspiration, ask a friend, or hire a designer.

Do not be afraid of color!