About Brick Facade Siding

Brick facade siding is one of the many various types of external facades used for homes. For many homeowners who are planning on the construction of a new home, the choice of using brick as the preferred cladding for the exterior is most likely due to the unique look and feel that it will give to the home’s walls.

Brick is the best choice for siding material due to its strong and durable nature. When it is used as a siding, the best thing is that there is no painting required. This type of siding has a big plus as it will never fade and is exposed to the weather or environment without any problem. It is also wonderful as an insulator to the house, providing a barrier to the temperature outside of your house. However, since bricks are porous, a regular application of clear water-repellent coat to preserve the bricks is a wise thing to do if you live in a rainy climate, or if you experience episodes of freezing and thawing during the winter.

This type of siding is usually applied to a wood framed wall over building paper. A mixture of cement, sand, lime and water is used to hold the bricks in place. The mortar that is used to hold bricks together can be finished in a number of ways such as concave, flush with bricks, extruded between the bricks, raked or V-joined.

Another alternative to solid brick siding is brick veneer siding which has a manmade material that is often much lighter. Brick veneer used as a home cladding has a variety of choice in terms of colors, textures, sizes and distinct patterns from traditional to modern touches. Similar to solid brick, this type of siding can last for a very long time, due to its high durability.

If brick facade siding is your final choice for your exterior walls of your home, get a professional who is experienced in the field to do the installation for you.