
About the Mount Kinabalu Climbing Experience – Starting Points and Tales

Mount Kinabalu is the highest mountain in Malaysia and also ranks the 20th place among the highest peaks in the world, in terms of prominence. This and its impressive biodiversity makes Kinabalu one of the most important and far-famed mountains in the world. It is the main attraction in Sabah, along with the Kinabalu National Park- the park surrounding the mountain, which has a variety of flora and fauna that covers not less than 4 climate zones. You can now see why “Mount Kinabalu climbing” is such an imposing phrase. Most people think about is as a dream. But this is a dream that can come true. Below are some tips that can be very useful if you decide to follow your dreams.

Mount Kinabalu climbing preparations for beginners

First of all, you should know that climbers must be accompanied by guides at every moment of their hike. These are the park’s rules and everyone must follow them. Secondly, if you want to have a total experience then you should allocate 3 days to the climbing, meaning you will spend 2 nights on the mountain. The mountain’s physical properties and its abundance in unique species of plants require that.

If you are a beginner, Low’s Peak is not too hard to be climbed if you are in good physical shape. However, other peaks are not that accessible and require more advanced climbing skills.

Mount Kinabalu climbing- starting points

The hike has 2 main starting points:

The two trails cross two kilometers before Laban Rata.

Mount Kinabalu climbing tales

There are many tales regarding Mount Kinabalu, but one of them is absolutely breath-taking. It claims that “Kinabalu” means “Cina Balu” or “A Chinese Widow”. The story says that a Chinese prince was rescued by the natives of Borneo after his ship sank. The prince fell in love with a local woman and then abandoned her because of his parents. The woman died at the top of the mountain, which she used to climb every morning to see if her husband would return home.

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