
Achieve A Non-Invasive Face Lift Using PDO Thread Lifts

When we’re young and in our prime, the skin on our face is usually smooth and taut. The jaw-line has a strong definition, and the contour where the cheek meets the chin is smooth. It’s quite devastating to get to the age when your features are no longer as sharp or defined as they once were. The facial profile suddenly becomes a bit blurry and we notice that our cheekbones are starting to sag down our face, causing the jaw-line to become undefined and the neck beginning to look wrinkly.

As our skin ages, some of the collagen is lost, making the skin less elastic. The loose skin is gradually pulled downwards, causing the skin around the cheeks to become thinner, and resulting in jowls in the lower face, making us look older. One way to tighten and tone the loose skin without undergoing an invasive surgical procedure is a PDO thread lift. PDO thread lifts can deliver what is essentially a facelift, but without the invasive surgery. There are no incisions or cuts, just simple injections which we place in strategic places.

The PDO thread lift will improve and rejuvenate the of the structure of the face, lifting loose or sagging skin. PDO threads are simply inserted into the skin with a very fine needle, either just under the skin, or in the fatty layer just beneath the skin, lifting the tissue and muscle and greatly improving the texture of the skin. Once they’re inserted, they will pull up the jaw-line, lift the cheeks and will reduce the lines around the eyes, nose and mouth, and tighten the neck.

PDO thread lifts get great results. Threads get inserted all over the face and combine beautifully with dermal fillers to reveal a new, rejuvenated you. Thread lifts are an extremely versatile procedure, they’re very simple, safe and almost painless. It’s a minimally invasive non-surgical procedure that leaves you with a natural, rejuvenated look.

After a thread lift, an instant lift is often noticeable but what’s even better, is that the effects will continue to improve for days and weeks afterwards. The PDO threads produce collagen around the threads and the new collagen that’s produced, lifts the skin, creating more volume.

It’s a minimally invasive treatment achieving tighter, younger looking skin, lasting for up to two years. The threads are absorbable so they don’t need removing from the body. You will see an immediate visible lifting effect and a natural improvement in the skin.

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