
Acrow Prop Safe Installation Guide

Acrow Props are an extremely versatile product which can be found on many construction sites. They are commonly used on building sites to provide a quick and simple method of providing temporary support for formwork for reinforced concrete floors and beams. Acrow props are equally useful as raking shores to support formwork for columns, walls and staircases. They are invaluable in repair work, demolition or for replacing a permanent support, for supporting canopies, lintels and the like while brick work or concrete is setting.

Acrow props consist of two circular steel tubes, an inner tube with a top plate that slides up and down freely inside an outer tube which is attached to the base plate. The inner tube has holes down its length so that you can quickly extend the inner tube to just below the desired height and insert a steel pin to lock in that length. To extend the prop to the correct height the top of the outer tube is threaded and a collar, which is similar to a nut on a bolt, picks up and supports the steel pin. So by rotating the collar and moving it up it extends the inner prop. This allows you to achieve the exact height required.

The ‘Acrow Prop Safe Installation Guide’ gives you a checklist of what to check before you even start and then shows you what you need to check to ensure the safe installation of your acrow props. Once installed there is a list of items that need to be checked regularly to ensure the continued safe performance of your acrow prop installation and then finishes off with a checklist for their safe removal.

Pre-installation Checklist

Installation Checklist

Post Installation Checklist

Prop Removal Checklist

Always seek professional advice before undertaking any propping / shoring projects. A propping job that goes wrong can be disastrous, endanger lives and be an extremely expensive exercise to repair.

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