
Actions of Free Radicals – Male Reproductive System Disorders

The role of free radicals in male reproductive system disorders are given below:

1) Free radicals cause protein degradation (destruction). It is important to note that almost all the body cells are made up of proteins.

2) They destroy the phospholipid membrane, an important substance that forms the outer coat of the cells. This action makes the cell weaker, and is responsible for aging of cells.

3) They cause molecular cross linking leading to Alteration of the genetic constituents of the cells, an action that can give rise to cancer.

Following the devastating actions of these free radicals on the vessels, the integrity of the blood vessels supplying the testis and other erectile organs is compromised. This further leads to cholesterol (tiny fat molecules) deposition inside the vessels which further results in narrowing the lumen of the vessels. Furthermore, calcium deposition on the altered blood vessel walls lead to thickening and loss of the elastic properties of the blood vessels, a condition known as arteriosclerosis.

In summary, free radicals damage the inner lining of the blood vessels thereby encouraging deposition of fat molecules and calcium on the vessels; an action that results in narrowing and the thickening of the blood vessel walls. By this alteration, the forceful blood flow required for strong erection to occur is reduced to lead to either poorection or accessibility to sustain erection. The free radicals induced vascular thickening and blockage occurs in all the blood vessels in the body; an action that has been implicated as the cause of Hypertension.

Free radicals are also released in the body following:

* Pollution
* Radiation
* Ultra violet rays from the sun
* Smoking

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