
Affordable, Eco-Friendly Home Heating Options

There are many ways to make your heating system greener. You can switch to fireplace inserts or heat pumps that offer increased efficiency and reduced pollution. You can also simply contact your local furnace company for furnace repair or maintenance to make sure that the system you have is working as efficiently as possible.

Alternative Heating Options

Many homes have traditional fireplaces but few people still use these features to burn wood fires. Fireplace inserts allow you to make use of your fireplace as an efficient heating source by essentially placing a stove into the fireplace opening. You get to keep your fireplace as an architectural point of interest and you heat your home more effectively because no heat is lost around an open fire. You can choose from a pellet (compressed wood pellets, often recycled from sawmills), a gas or a wood fireplace insert. All of them burn at extremely high temperatures, which means that combustion is almost complete and little pollution or waste is produced.

Geothermal heat pumps are another excellent choice for heating your home. Ground source heat pumps use the temperature of the earth to maintain the temperature of your home. Installed underground, these devices use the warmth of the earth in winter, when the air temperature is colder than the ground temperature, to warm your home. You can not get much better than that for an environmentally responsible heating option.

Heating System Maintenance

If you want to keep a traditional furnace-based heating system, you can still save money and energy by making sure it is in good repair. No matter what type of furnace you have, your local furnace company can help you make sure that your furnace is functioning optimally.

Most furnace companies offer a full range of services including oil and gas furnace installation, service and cleaning. In order to improve your energy consumption and decrease your heating bills, a company representative can help you decide if it will be better to get a new furnace or to fix the one you have. A furnace installation expert can help you put in a new furnace if that is in your best interest. If you just need to fix up an existing unit-or if you later need service on one you had installed-the same company can offer furnace repair [http://heating-cooling-hvac.new-york-biz.com/site / services / service / Furnace-Repair-and-Install-Albany-NY] services and advice.

When it comes to heating your home you do not have to choose between being an eco-conscious consumer and being a frugal homeowner. The same choices that will help the environment will help you as well. Whether you put in a new wood or gas fireplace insert, a geothermal heat pump or repair or replace the heating system you have already, heating your home for less is not only possible, but easy too.

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