
Alternative Treatment For Prostate Cancer

Before we can discuss an alternative treatment for prostate cancer, it's important to know just what the prostate is, what it does and where it is.

The prostate is only in men (gals, you dodged a bullet on this one) and is responsible for creating seminal fluid, so it's classified as a sex organ. Unfortunately, the prostate surrounding the urethra, just below the bladder, so if there's any problem with the prostate, it often causes a problem with urination.

The alternative treatment for prostate cancer that I'm going to talk about has has origins clear back in 1924 when Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg in Germany first described that cancer cells were anaerobic. In other words, they only exist in the absence of free oxygen. He said that this was the cause of cancer. He proved it by giving cancer to a group of animals over a period of 48hrs by injecting them with acidic fluids, therefore, expelling any oxygen from their bodies. For some reason, his findings have largely been ignored by the cancer research community.

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting men in the US. Fortunately, prostate cancer is often treated early by ordinary blood tests and by digital rectal exams during routine physicals. Another feature of prostate cancer is that it usually progresses slowly. This allows the patient plenty of time to plan out his treatment and also means that malignant tumors do not have time to spread. This also gives the patient time to consider an alternative treatment for prostate cancer. Traditional Western medicine treatments typically include radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and / or surgery. All of these treatments are intended to kill the cancer cells, but, unfortunately, healthy cells are also killed. It also has been proven that surgery does not have any affect on the five year survival rate.

The alternative treatment for prostate cancer that's based on Dr. Warburg's finds involves that ingesting of calcium and alkaline foods to raise the ph of the bodily fluids so that oxygen is present in all of the cells. All calcium is good for raising the ph of the body, but coral calcium is the best because it is already 100% ionized, so it's much more usable by the body. If you have prostate cancer, you should take six coral calcium capsules per day. To facilitate the absorption of the calcium, you should also take 5,000 IU's per day of vitamin D. Have you ever noticed that milk has vitamin D added? This is why.

The use of calcium to treat cancer might sound ridiculous, but the idea is gaining traction all the time. In the October 13th, 1998 issue of the New York Times there was an article entitled, "Calcium Takes It's Place As a Superstar Of Nutrients". This article talked about a study that was reviewed by the Journal of the American Medical Association. The journal reported that "increasing the calcium induced normal development of the epithelial cells and may also prevent cancer in such organs as the breast, prostate and pancreas".

If you do get rid of the cancer using the alkaline method, it will come back if you do not stop doing whatever caused the cancer to appear in the first place. As part of an alternative treatment for prostate cancer, you should closely examine your diet to see if you can eliminate foods that are very acidic. A case in point is soda pop. It is not only very acidic, but also is high in phosphates which leach calcium out of the body, usually lowering the ph. Even tap water is usually acidic because of all the additives that are in it to "purify" it.

Most foods are acidic. This is nature's way of helping us with digestion. The secret is to consume the foods that are less acidic than others and to consume the foods that are acidic when they start out, but then are alkalizing after digestion (like lemons). To find out which foods have properties, get a hold of a good food chart. They can be found online. Get several charts because I've noticed that some charts do not agree.

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