A step down transformer is one whose primary voltage is superior to secondary voltage. It is especially designed to reduce the voltage from the primary winding to the secondary winding. On the contrary, a transformer made to increase the voltage from the primary windings to the secondary windings is called step up transformer. This type of transformer “steps up” the low voltage to a higher voltage.
Working of step down transformers
A power transformer is an electrical tool with only one winding of wire placed near to one or more windings, which is used to couple two or more alternating-current (AC) circuits together by employing the induction among the windings. The winding linked to the power sources is known as primary winding, and the other is recognized as secondary winding.
A transformer in which the secondary voltage is superior to the primary voltage is normally known as step-up transformer; if in case the primary voltage is superior to secondary voltage then the device is usually known as step-up transformer. The product of current voltage is regular in every set of windings, so that in “step up” transformer, the voltage augment in the secondary is accompanied by parallel decrease in the electricity.
Uses of Step down transformer
There are various uses for step-down transformer and the huge transformer tools are used in an electric power system, and as well in small units in electronic devices. In case of Industrial and residential power transformers that operate at the line often might be single phase or three phases, are shaped to take care of high voltage and other currents.
Efficient power transmission needs a step-up transformer at the power-generating station to raise voltages, with a parallel decrease in current. Line power losses are proportional to the square of the current times, so that even very high voltages and low currents are been used for long distance transmission lines to reduce any power losses. At the receiving end, step down transformers decrease the voltage, and in turn increase the current, to the residential or any industrial voltage levels, usually between 110V and 600V output.