
Antique Wood Burning Stoves – Why Are They Highly Sought After?

Before the eighteenth century open fireplaces were the popular means of heating the various rooms. The first use of wood burning stoves has been reported from as far back as the early eighteenth century. These stoves offered many advantages over the open fireplace such as increased efficiency, more reliability and less emission of smoke and related chemicals. For these reasons the wood stove began to become a very popular fixture in the home and remained popular until the twentieth century. There are various models of wood stoves that can often be discovered in the various antique shops such as the Box, Cylinder, Parlor or the Pot Belly wood stoves. These varieties represent some of the more popular collectible stoves that most people desire today.

The Franklin stove is actually one of the most famous wood stoves ever created. These stoves were constructed of cast iron for several important reasons. Cast iron is extremely strong and it can sustain very high temperatures without being damaged. In addition it is a very good conductor of heat.

Even today, antique wood burning stoves are highly sought after among American consumers not so much for any practical purpose but rather for the decorative aspect of the piece. These units are readily kept in homes or hotels merely for their looks. The second reason is that if they are actually used they are very cost effective.

Wood stoves come in all shapes and sizes. They are quite beautiful in design and elegant in style. An old wood burning stove is quite valuable and is high on the collector’s list of valuable items. They are ideal for hotels which feature a historic theme, museums or in older restored homes. They make a perfect choice if you wish to give an old-fashioned or a Victorian look to your house.

Despite being old many antique wood stoves are in a good working order. They have been gaining in popularity among those people who have chosen to use them for heating their homes and cooking their food. During the last century one can notice no major changes within the design of the wood stoves or even for the way wood stoves function. These old stoves are quite sturdy and many have lasted for well over one hundred years. Many of these old stoves that were discovered in a none working condition have been carefully restored and are currently being used today. With the proper cleaning and maintenance they will continue to be used for many more years to come.

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