Apartment living is the recipe for happiness. That’s what the happy experts at the University of Michigan are saying, at least in a round about way. Apparently, wealth, riches, and Huge Friggin Homes do not make you happy anymore.
So if expansive lawns and big mansions don’t make you happy…what does?
Well, according to the Happy Experts (not sure if that means the experts are happy and dang it’s pretty funny isn’t it that one could go to school and major in Happy and then get paid by big Universities to discover what makes people happy. And what is your day like as a Happy Expert? “Sorry Honey..I’ll be working late tonight, I am going to the tavern to see if drinking beer and playing pool with my friends makes me happy…) I digress. You’re reading this paragraph because you want to know what the experts said makes you happy.
According to the experts “Time to enjoy friends and family” is what makes people happy. “Well, Duh!” you say? That’s just what I said, too.
So the obvious conclusion from all this is that Apartment Residents are happier.
There are virtually hundreds of reasons that renting an apartment may be a better option than owning a home. And with the recent housing slump and growing number of homes being foreclosed on, there is a growing want for becoming an Apartmentite.
What’s so wonderful about apartment living? Let me fill you in!
After an extensive brainstorming session, my team of me and me, have come up with the Top 6 reasons that living in an apartment ROCKS! And the best part is that all of these reasons save…time.
1) NO LAWN!!!– This is by far the number one reason to live in an apartment. You have no yard to mow. You’ll never have to pull weeds. You’ll never have to worry about taking care of a fire ant problem. You don’t have to waste water on the lawn to keep your grass green. No raking leaves, etc, etc, etc…HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?!?!
2) Freedom!!!– There’s so much more freedom in an apartment. You have the freedom to move anywhere you’d like at the end of your lease. You aren’t locked into a 15, 20, or a 30 year mortgage. It’s an obvious perfect situation for someone who likes to live footloose and fancy free.
3) The Benefits of a Pool without the Work– This is my favorite. At apartments, you get the full use of their pool and deck areas, but never have to worry about the upkeep. With a pool at your home, YOU have to skim for leaves, YOU have to check the chemicals, YOU have to do all the work. In an apartment you can kick back and let the apartment management take care of that for YOU!
4) It’s Cheaper – All in all and across the board, renting an apartment can be much cheaper every month than paying a mortgage.
5) Maintenance – In a home, if your toilet breaks, refrigerator runs, sink leaks, door falls off it’s hinges, develop a pest problem, or any number of the possible things that can happen happens, you have to find a way to take care of the problem yourself. In an apartment, all you have to do is let the apartment management know and they will take care of it for you! (In a reasonable time of course.)
6) Free Gym – Most apartment communities have their own fitness center on location provided for the residents. With state of the art equipment, these gyms are free and you don’t have to travel at all to get in a good workout. As a home-owner, you’d either have to build a home gym or get a gym membership that may cost you $40/ month. Eck!
So there you have the top 6 reasons to rent over own. From my point of view, all of these things can not only save you a ton of money every month, but as I mentioned before…time. Time for you to spend with friends and family, which is what makes everybody a little bit happier.