
Are You Suffering With Instep Pain?

Instep pain can be described as an intense pain that originates at the arch of the foot.

This type of pain is evident among patients with arthritis and sports injuries. Although instep pain can be very uncomfortable to deal with, this condition or symptom is actually be very easy to treat as long as the cause is identified early on.

Here are some of the things that can lead to instep pain.

Experiencing arch foot pain usually indicates that the posterior tibial tendon of the foot is affected or injured. Nevertheless, the causes of this injury will vary from one person to another. One of the most common factors that can lead to instep pain is intense physical activity.

People who endure too much physical activity such as running or doing a marathon are prone to having instep pain. This causes soreness of the tibial tendon, which produces pain and discomfort while walking.

Aside from doing strenuous physical activities, people who are flat-footed are also at risk of experiencing instep foot pain. Because of this, it is necessary for them to use shoes that are comfortable to wear with some kind of arch support or insole orthotic.

Providing proper rest can also help minimize the severity of the pain. However, if the condition is already intolerable, anti-inflammatory medications can already be taken to alleviate intense pain.

In addition to the factors mentioned above, a certain medical condition known as plantar fasciitis can also be considered as a cause of instep pain or arch pain. In fact, plantar fasciitis is recognized as the most common cause of heel pain.

This condition is characterized by the inflammation of a flat band tissue or ligament found in the feet called plantar fascia. This tissue is the one responsible in connecting the heel bone to the toes and is the one that supports the foot arch.

Once this ligament is strained, the planter fascia can easily swell and become inflamed. This causes the pain whenever the foot is used for walking or standing.

Although plantar fasciitis is common among middle-aged individuals, this condition or problem can also be experienced by younger people, most especially those who are athletes or soldiers.This can be experienced in one foot only or both feet at the same time.

In order to treat arch pain resulting from plantar fasciitis, proper rest and foot massage is required to enhance blood circulation. Improving blood circulation to the feet is very important to allow nutrients and oxygen to reach the injured areas or structures and to release muscle tension. This will help hasten recovery and improve the condition of the plantar fascia as soon as possible.

Doing simple stretches before performing strengthening exercises is also necessary to prevent instep pain. This will help warm up the ligaments and the tissues before they are subjected to a rigorous or strenuous activity.

Placing foam rollers under the feet is also a great choice to massage the arches while sitting down. This will help reduce soreness and eliminate the painful symptoms of plantar fasciitis. Overweight individuals are also prone to having plantar fasciitis, which is why weight reduction workouts are also highly advisable.

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