Aromatherapy Booties Review

This review of aromatherapy booties takes the following into consideration; comfort, price, material used, variations in style and how the aromatherapy booties are scented.

Of course, no aromatherapy booties review can take into account someone's personal preferences, so as with anything you purchase, the final decision rests with you.

Aromatherapy booties are meant to provide comfort, so if you have very small or rather large feet, make sure to ask for the dimensions of the booties, as most are 'one size fits all.' There are some retailers who do make the aromatherapy booties in small, medium and large, so you may want to consider looking more closely at those retailers.

To some extent 'you get what you pay for' holds true, but during the undertaking of this aromatherapy booties review, it would appear that if you pay more than $ 40, then you're paying too much. Generally, the filling inside the booties is fairly standard, especially in the $ 30 – $ 40 range, so the only thing that could possibly result in the price variance is the type of material used.

The material is of course a factor. While doing this aromatherapy booties review, it was found that polar fleece was a popular choice, as was chenille. If you prefer cotton, then it is possible to find some retailers that produce the booties from that material. Others simply use 100% polyester.

For some people, the pattern of the material is of more concern than the actual material itself. While most of the aromatherapy booties viewed during the review featured plain block colored material (usually in a lavender or powder blue shade), some of the aromatherapy booties are made from patterned material, or shaped to look like animals (there are several manufacturers who make 'bunny' booties).

Most of the products featured herbs (most commonly lavender, but a few retailers also made booties containing eucalyptus), rather than essential oils, though a few stated that essential oils were used.

During the aromatherapy booties review, it appeared that only the booties in the higher bracket ($ 35- $ 40) seemed to come with removable, washable covers. If you want to be able to wash the booties, rather than simply sponging them down (as with the cheaper versions), you may want to pay the extra few dollars for a pair that comes with the covers.

No matter which product you choose, you need to remember that they're not really made for walking in. Placing your weight on the inserts crushes the filling, making them far less effective. Also be sure to follow the manufacturers heating directions. Over heating will destroy the herbs used, and may cause the material to burn, making your booties useless.