
Bamboo Flooring Problems – What Are the Common Problems Associated With Bamboo Flooring?

Although bamboo floors are lovely, environmentally friendly, and priced within the average person’s budget, there are still a few issues that may arise with this type of floor. It is best to know about potential pitfalls, so you can judge the risks associated with bamboo flooring, and the costs of maintenance and upkeep. This will help you make an informed decision before installing such a floor, and perhaps make it so you avoid these problem areas to begin with.

Very High Expectations

Because bamboo flooring is becoming trendier each day, with more and more home improvement shows and store sale people touting its wonders, people’s expectations of its performance may be too high. It is a very durable, affordable, beautiful, and “green” product, however, this does not mean it is maintenance free once installed. The key to being satisfied with your purchase is having reasonable expectations based on the specific product and or/line of bamboo flooring you purchase. It is also essential to realize the floor will need at least some minimal upkeep.

Manufacturing Problems

Besides having inflated expectations from the sale’s pitch, some manufactures produce a subpar product. You need to read reviews of specific products to see how consumer s rate companies, and how that specific floor is performing a few years after installation. These reviews are easy to find online. Some manufactures use shoddy workmanship and make inferior flooring. Do your research! Sometimes a price is too good to be true, and remember that you get what you pay for. Lower quality floors, made where manufactures do not have proper quality control in their factories, will often buckle with changes in heat and humidity, and visual imperfections will be more easily seen. Higher quality products not only last longer, they remain looking new and fresh through the years and increase the resale value of your property.

Maintenance Problems

Once you settle on the best quality floor you can afford, it is important to maintain it so that it remains the envy of your neighbors. If you believe every claim made about your bamboo floor’s durability and cleaning schedule, you may be more likely to be lazy and treat the floor as if it can take a huge amount of abuse – because this is what you were sold on! It is important to be diligent in the frequency of cleaning your floor, in the cleaning products you select, in properly padding heavy furniture with non-rubber backed coasters, and in placing door mats at the room’s entrances. There are a lot of maintenance guides out there to help you properly care for your bamboo floor, and these are worth reading. You don’t want to clean too frequently or use products that will void the manufacturer’s warranty, and these guides will advise you on such matters.

Moisture and Stains

Bamboo comes from Asia; it is grown in many regions with very tropical climates. Thus it has a built in resistance to water. Even so, it is important to not be overconfident about its potential. You need to make sure your room is not overly humid. If you ever spill anything, you need to wipe it up as soon as possible, and follow the cleaning instructions found in your guide. Too much moisture can cause the floor to expand and contract too much, and possibly even stain! Many people use a polyurethane coating or wax to protect their floors and keep them shiny and new looking!

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