What Is One Of The Most Powerful Ways To Improve Your Progress?
Increase Your Belief
There are many tools that can be used to increase belief; Below you will find a few of my favorites, which have been tried and true by the best of the best in peak performance.
When you are living your desire, you inspire others. If you choose to settle for less and not go for your dreams then you are like an eagle that refuses to spread its wings and soar, and instead chooses to hop around the ground, trying not to get stepped on. Spread your wings and fly gracefully and let all who witness this experience your sense of freedom and power!
Create An Asset List
Simply, write down all of the reasons why you know you can accomplish your goal. You can list all of the resources, talents, advantages, and other items that act in your favor. It is like you are an attorney making a case for why you will win and accomplish your goal. Some people make excuses on why they are not succeeding. You can choose to instead make excuses for why you will succeed.
Create A Victory List
This is fun. Simply take time to write down all of the present or past accomplishments you have attained. These can be related to health and fitness, business, academies- anything. Note any situation where you stepped out of your comfort zone, took a new action, and received a great result. List as many as you can for 5 to 15 minutes. You can start from childhood and work your way to the present, and list anything big or small. When I did this the first time, I was blown away by all the great memories that came back and the feelings of empowerment that directed.
You can add to this Victory List as often as you like. You can include any big or small goals you hit, new habits you created, or successes that happened. Your belief in yourself and confidence will skyrocket from your long list of consistent victories.
Make A List Of Others Who Have Succeeded
Before 1954, no one thought it was possible to run a mile in under 4 minutes. Then Roger Bannister proved everyone's limiting beliefs wrong. That same year John Landy also broke 4 minutes, and now high school kids are doing it.
It can make a large difference to notice all of the people who have accomplished the same goal that you are going for. Look at their situations before and after reaching their goals, investigate how they did it, notice what steps they took, and remember that they had many challenges along the way.
You can look at any field and find amazing accomplishments of human beings. Athletes, inventors, businesspeople, and artists have ignored normal standards and set their own. No one can tell you what you are capable of-no one! You have limitless and infinite potential. The ideal body you see in your mind is inside of you now. Its potential is in the cells you now possess, just like it was for the other great heroes you see.
We have been blessed with the greatest sports cars, yet we drive our bodies like they are old clunkers. Pull your Ferrari out of the garage now!