Benefits of Installing a Cedar Fence

Fencing in a yard or property involves choosing the best material for the project. Explore some of the benefits of installing a cedar fence. This natural wood can be surprisingly resilient, withstanding abuse from weather and insects for many years.

Insect Repellant

Constructing a barrier out of this type of material will provide natural resistance to insects. The oils present in cedar actually deter insects such as termites from infestation and damage. Homeowners do not need to do anything to maintain the natural resistance of this wood. Chemical treatments are not required to keep the wood resistant to termites.

Blocks Sounds

Surrounding a home with a cedar fence can eliminate many noises from penetrating into the yard. This building material acts as a natural sound barrier as long as the structure is made with solid planks. Experts estimate that the sound blocking effectiveness of this material is as high as 70 percent. Cement blocks provide the same sound blocking effectiveness; however, this material is a more visually appealing choice.

Strong and Durable

After installing a cedar fence, you can rest assured that the structure will remain strong and attractive for many years. This material resists damage that can occur from wind and moisture, because it will not rot or decay. This type of wood will not warp or shrink over time. When the time comes to replace this barrier, you can also enjoy its environmental friendliness, because it is completely biodegradable.

Controls Temperatures

Temperature control of the air around your home can be beneficial in both the winter and the summer. During the winter months, a cedar fence provides a barrier to prevent gusty winds from moving through your yard. These air pockets can be effective for moderating the icy-cold temperatures during the winter. In the summer, the same air pockets are effective for dissipating heat. Some fences absorb heat in the summer, actually raising the temperature around them with the heat that releases into the air. Cedar does not absorb heat, so it stays cool throughout the summer.

Low Maintenance

Staining, sealing, or painting a fence can be tedious and time-consuming work. Some materials require yearly maintenance to keep them strong and attractive. In contrast, this material requires little to no maintenance. This type of wood does not need stain, sealant, or paint to make it waterproof. Instead, the wood will withstand weather conditions, aging gradually and attractively over the years. As this wood weathers, it becomes naturally gray. Many homeowners find the weathered gray appearance attractive. People who object to weathered gray can prevent it by applying a wood cleaning product every two to three years.

Painting Tips

If you do opt to paint cedar, you will need to apply a stain-blocking primer first. The primer will prevent natural oils from bleeding through the paint layer. Applied correctly, primer and paint on this type of barrier could last for years.

After exploring the many benefits of a cedar fence, you may opt to install one in your yard.