If you are having issues with mildew or mold in the house and are looking for an effective solution, use chlorine bleach. But if cleaning the roof is your goal, the algae and other molds may be difficult to remove from the shingles. Outdoor cleaning requires heavy-duty chemicals such as TSP combined with chlorine bleach. Other additives may be added like Jomax, to ensure a strong cleaning solution.
Although cleaning the roof is not difficult, it is tiresome and time-consuming. If you think you can manage it on your own, here are some tips to clean the roof with TSP mixed with bleach solution:
* Irrespective of whether you cover the plants growing close to the house or not, spray them with clean water before spraying the chemical on the roof. Bleach is known to harm the plants so it is important.
* Use a plastic pump garden sprayer to completely soak the area that is afflicted with mold. You can use any strong bleach based chemical. Let it soak for 5-10 minutes. After that wash off the fungus and dirt that has accumulated over the roof. Roof cleaning process may take some time, as you need to do low pressure cleaning. Asphalt shingle can be damaged with high pressure water spray.
* Ensure that the roof dries up properly and after that check for any remains of the fungus. Just in case there are any residues or slime, repeat the steps again. However, do not apply the second layer of the chemical on wet roof. At every step of the cleaning process, let the roof dry. Then apply the second application of the chemical mix.
If bleach is too harsh and you are looking at other ecologically friendly, chemical-free options, there are many products in the market today. You can try 'Spray and Forget' which has long-term effects and leaves the area fungi free. Just spray it on and leave it. Let it dry without rinsing and although it is slow-acting as compared to heavy chemical solutions, it has been proven to prevent the growth of mold and mildew for quite a few years. But if you are looking for faster results, rinse the area properly; let it dry and then spray the solution, as per the manufacturer's instructions.
Another good product on the market shelves is Moss Out. It is available in numerous configurations and there are some that have been manufactured especially for roofs, to inhibit the growth of fungi and moss on stone or masonry surfaces. It is one of the best tried and tested formula which uses zinc compounds needed for long-term protection from mold and mildew. Additionally, you can use zinc strips which can be attached to the peak of the roof. When it rains, tracks of zinc are dissolved and they coat the entire roof, preventing fungal growth.
However, do not leave the chemical mixture on the roof for long as it can damage any surface. If you think it is not your cup of tea, you can always call in professional roof cleaning experts.