Every second person you speak to seems complaining or suffering from some sort of cardiovascular issues. Measuring blood pressure indicates the force against the wall of the arteries, as well the pumping of the heart.
Most people are of the opinion that salt is the biggest culprit for cardiovascular disease, or at least they’ve been told so? The theory that salt is bad for you and increases heart disease is an old hat and been proven wrong for decades. To reduce salt too much has had a number of draw backs and is affecting other things in your body.
There is strong evidence, that not salt is the main issue for high blood pressure but incorrect potassium to sodium balance is. Not having the right balance between the two of them increases the risk for hypertension and heart disease by far more than salt or high levels of sodium alone.
Which Salt?
Most people are not aware of the fact that potassium is an essential mineral which plays an important role in regards to your blood pressure. What matters is the balance between salt and potassium. The first step: Replace the refined table salt with natural salt for a better balance of potassium. As salt is getting the blame for high blood pressure, sugar and trans fats are far worse and having the most impact for cholesterol and heart disease.
Lacking Potassium
In general, our diet being the biggest amount of processed foods consumed by many, which is lacking of potassium. To lower salt levels in processed foods, monosodium glutamate (MSG) being added to processed food, two things happened: This enhanced the flavor in foods and reduced the salt, but created a number of other health problems. What this meant, processed food with all its preservatives, flavor enhancer (MSG) etc. which in general gives the average person twice as much sodium as potassium. As well the other thing is mineral and magnesium deficiency, of which is very little found in processed food; this is also damaging your heart and arteries. Magnesium is critical for healthy blood pressure and is too often lacking in our daily diet. Magnesium also helps lower blood volume, supports blood vessels and keeps the arteries smooth and elastic.
What We Eat
As we know too many processed foods are the trigger point for most illnesses. These foods are high in refined sugar, refined sodium, trans – fats which is the main cause for high blood pressure. Changing to a more natural diet will improve overall condition including lowering of blood pressure and cholesterol. We should eat more of the leafy greens, vegetables, mushrooms, berries, avocados, natural Creek yogurt, wild caught salmon, fish oil etc. Another one is grape seed extract which is an excellent blood pressure support. As grapes are high in fructose which can worsen insulin and leptin resistance. Using grape seed extract will not affect the insulin level, it will help blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar level.
Such foods that have a high amount of potassium, magnesium and minerals to lower blood pressure, as well to improve your overall health, are a safe, natural comprehensive protection without any side effects. Medical research has discovered literally thousands of healing nutrients in foods.
Food is the cause of most of our health problems, and food is also the solution. The most important step to a healthy life is the change to a healthy diet! Also, a safe measure and protection to add a good multi supplement that has a variety of minerals and all the nutrients.
Medication Needs
Reducing medication to avoid some of the risky side effects even from warfarin, people have looked to aspirin for daily heart support. Taking aspirin every day for blood thinning and to reduce stroke risk is not a cure or a satisfactory alternative.
Although, aspirin is not as harmful as many other medications, aspirin is a natural pain reliever and one of the safest ones to use, as well it lowers fever and inflammation. Some of the later research has found that aspirin is not the answer for blood pressure and thinning of blood as previous thought.
Some medication may be excepted for short-term use. The longer to stay on medication the higher becomes the risk factor and the increase of side effects.