
Book Review – The Kiss by Sophia Nash

From the very first page you are drawn into The Kiss with Ms. Nash quickly turning things around so that you’re off on adventure you didn’t see coming.

This is the story of Georgiana Wilde and Quinn Fortesque, childhood companions separated for many years until family business brings Quinn back into Georgiana’s life. After a long absence Quinn is called home to set right the family fortune and challenge Georgiana’s new title of marchioness.

Georgiana Wilde is a wonderful heroine with lots of layers. She isn’t perfect, but you love her for her strength, intelligence, wit, and determination – my kind of gal. Quinn, our hero, has past issues that prevent him from having the life he wants. What could have been a typical plot of why the hero and heroine can’t be together, is instead a story of two people who have a past peppered with mysteries and unspoken truths. This is where The Kiss shines. I was never hit over the head repeatedly about the hero’s past, or how it haunted him. Or continually told of the heroine’s difficulties and how they molded her. Instead, through superb dialogue and prose we’re told a wonderful story of love lost and love found.

This is not your add water, shake and stir romance novel. No, this is a multi-layered story with relationships that are created, nurtured and come to life in three dimensions.

I was more than happy to take the journey toward the happily ever after because of the rich layers, the surprising turns and the warmth and depth of all the characters in The Kiss.

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