In order to be a good bowler it is very important to learn to spin the ball. When talking about 10-pin bowling, deliveries come in two categories. Straight shots are the fundamental shots in bowling and hook shots are a little more advanced. You need to master both to become a great bowler.
Obviously, if you’re trying to throw a straight shot then the bowling ball should follow a straight path to the bowling pins. In the other category is the hook shot, which curves as it gets closer to the pins. A hook shot looks like a straight shot at the beginning, but then it starts to curve before it reaches its target.
That sudden curve of the ball will cause it to spin on its axis. It will continue to do so until it comes in contact with the bowling pins. A spinning bowling ball will roll down the lane just like a ball that isn’t spinning. The change comes when it starts to make a slight tilt when it gets close to the end of the lane and then alters course. Before you can learn to hook your shots you must first learn how to spin the ball.
1. You have to have patience and skill to learn how to do a powerful spin. The correct kind of ball is also important. Generally, all bowling balls have the ability to spin on their axis when you release it. Keep in mind that if the reason you’re trying to hook the ball is because you’re trying to known down a few scattered pins you will need either a reactive resin or urethane bowling ball.
What is the reason for this? Bowling balls covered with a urethane or reactive resin cover stock are more capable of gripping the dry area of the bowling lane than plastic balls are. It is extremely difficult to throw hooks using plastic balls, but it is possible. It can be very frustrating, especially for an accomplished bowler.
2. It is important to learn how to release the bowling ball while you are still in motion toward the foul line. Some bowlers will stop for a fraction of a second before their release. There really isn’t anything wrong with this approach, but it is much easier to spin the ball if you are still in a forward motion. That little bit of extra momentum will help your bowling ball to spin on its axis.
3. Make sure to grip your bowling ball in such a way that you can release it easily. You should also make sure to develop a delivery that keeps your arm straight during both the forward and backswings. You don’t want to “muscle” the ball too much during the release or the downswing.
Your body’s momentum as you move forward is the best kind. According to the laws of physics, as long as you are still in motion, that same motion will be transferred to your bowling ball.
4. To make the perfect hook shot just pivot your hand or your wrist just before the final release of your bowling ball. Pretend like you’re turning a key to the three o’clock position. Release the ball just as you rotate your hand and there you have it. The perfect hook shot!