My husband and I finally did it. We finally went somewhere other than Disney World or the beach. All through our daughter's growing-up years, other than the occasional venturing elsewhere, we've sent family vacations going to the places our daughter and we loved most.
Routines are easy to fall into. We can be trapped by them. Many people have a tendency to do the same things everyday, day-in and day-out. We get up, go to work, come home, fix dinner, eat, do chores, watch television, and so forth. By the end of the day, we're so tired that we go to bed only to begin our routine again the next day. Yet, we feel comfortable traveling within our own little comfort zone, surrounding ourselves with what is familiar.
I had not realized that our vacations had become routine – like the rest of our life. That is, until now. I'm writing this column while my husband is out flying-fishing with a friend who recently moved to Oregon. Fly-fishing is something he has never experienced before. Earlier today, I went on an hour and a half hike by myself, something I've never done – until this trip.
In fact, our entire vacation has been filled with experiences and activities we've never done before or imagined doing. We've crossed mountains, traversed canyons and hiked trails. We've seen the deepest lake, crossed the highest bridge, visited the largest sea cave, seen the most photographed lighthouse, the tallest waterfall, the oldest and largest trees, and we've traveled the windiest roads, rockiest coastline and the highest and most narrow road of our lives to date.
Phrases like "branch out" and "stretch yourself" suddenly have fresh meaning. Lyrics written by Tim Rice in Elton John's famous song, "Circle of life," also have new meaning for me: "There's more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done, more to find than can ever be found. " Doing things I never thought I could or would have me hungry to experience more.
There's a valuable lesson to be learned when hiking the longest trail you've ever hiked. I finally understand that it truly is not as much about the destination as it is the journey. Although the destination may be worthy and of value, the journey is even more incredible and fulfilling in and of itself. Each moment walking the trail included inspiring vistas and discoveries I would not have wanted to miss even if I had never reached the trail's end.
Comfort zones are self-created and imposed. In designing these comfortable and reliable pathways, we tend to limit our potential and potential for new experiences.
Stretching is powerful, healing and transforming. The Lord told Moses to "stretch out thy hand over the sea" and the waters parted. (Exodus 14:16) Jesus told the man with the handed hand to "stretch forth thine hand," and his hand was restored whole as his other. (Matthew 12:13) This vacation has stretched my view of my self from a woman of limited abilities to a woman of God's creating with infinite abilities and potential.
Being willing to challenge myself to move out of my familiar beliefs and to fearlessly approach new opportunities has resented in a broadened concept for the rest of my life. My horizon has indeed been expanded, the place of my tent enlarged. (Isaiah 54: 2) I welcome more new possibilities, discoveries and adventures into my life journey. Yes, I have put on a fresh lens for viewing what I can and could do that is untouched, undimmed and unimpressed by any beliefs and opinions about age.
Are you trying to find a way out of a mundane routine? Do you feel stuck in a rut and can not figure out what is holding you back?
Branch out and stretch yourself by doing something – anything – you would not ordinarily do. I guarantee you will be glad you did and will not be disappointed. It's just that simple! Every time you stretch, you enlarge your comfort zone to include more of the great big world out there waiting to be explored, and you let go of old, limiting beliefs that have been holding you back from seeing your infinite potential.