
Bridge Accidents

Bridges are an essential piece of infrastructure to almost any major US city. Most cities have a local waterway, such as a river or channel, that can only be navigated by vehicles by installing a bridge. Elevated roadways are one specific type of bridge that any city with highways may have. These unique roadways allow multiple highways and roads to cross in the same location without considerable congestion. Bridges are used everyday by thousands of people in each city, so it is essential for bridges to be structurally sound and secure.

Common Problems

While bridge architects and engineers work diligently to ensure that a bridge is properly constructed, sometimes bridges develop structural problems, deteriorate, and require maintenance. The following is a list of common problems leading to bridge accidents:

Sometimes a bridge malfunction may go unnoticed for a long time, until traffic is particularly heavy or some other force causes a small problem to develop into a larger one. In other cases, a cable or structural beam may suddenly snap or break, putting the lives of hundreds of people at risk in an instant.


When a bridge accident occurs, a number of different parties may be liable. There are several factors involved in bridge construction from start to finish, and an error at any point during construction could affect the integrity of the entire bridge when it is completed. Parties who may be legally responsible for a bridge-related accident include:

If you have been injured in a bridge accident, consider contacting a personal injury attorney immediately. Someone may be liable for the accident and you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and damages.

For More Information

Learn more about To bridge accidents and injury compensation, please visit the website of experienced Austin personal injury lawyer , Vic Feazell, PC today.

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