
Bridge Building to Friendships

Building a bridge to nowhere will get you there! Many relationships have been saved because of a GPS.Things can get tense when one is driving and another is navigating. Because we now have a tool (GPS) we can more easily get to our destination, unless of course the GPS says, "You have arrived," and instead of pulling into a restaurant you are facing a cornfield!

In order to build friendships we need tools and a plan. That makes it sound like being intentional? You may ask, "Does this mean I need to work at my friendships or other relationships?" To answer that question mildly, "Yep."

It also means if you want to increase your base of friendships, you need intentionality. One needs to plan to build bridges to others. I know networking seems more difficult for those who see themselves as quiet or introverted. It does take getting out of our comfort zone, but having goals and a plan can make it easier.

Do you want to have more friendships and associates? Then consider these points:

A word of caution: go slow on your involvement and networking. It takes time and energy so you'll want to pace yourself.

Before you know it, you will have a network of friends and associates and will probably ask yourself, "Why did I wait so long?"

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