Bridge – Rules of Etiquette

The rules of etiquette when playing bridge are largely based on common sense and showing respect for others; being well-mannered and courteous at all times is a good place to begin.

A suggested list of good etiquette follows:

1. Refrain from making negative comments during play concerning the contracts made.

2. Always pay attention to the play and stop your mind from wandering.

3. Do not remove a card from your hand before it is your turn.

4. Do not conceal your cards from the sight of other players.

5. Avoid the practice of arranging the cards played to previous tricks in a disorderly manner; mixing your cards together before the result of the deal has been agreed upon is another no-no.

6. Making a questionable claim or concession is inadvisable.

7. Do not prolong the play unnecessarily.

8. Using different designations for the same call is not good etiquette.

9. Do not indicate any approval or disapproval of a call, bid, or play.

10. Indicating the expectation or intention of winning or losing a trick before play to that trick has been completed is often frowned at.

11. Commenting or acting during the auction or play to call attention to a significant incident thereof, or calling of the score or to the number of tricks that will be required for success is unprofessional.

12. Scrutinizing others and their cards during the auction or play is to be avoided.

13. To vary the normal tempo of bidding or play in order to distract opponents is not recommended.

14. Do not leave the table needlessly before the round is called.

A long list of technical rules and variations as pertaining to conduct could be added but for reasons of brevity the above shall suffice. Always keep a clear mind and concentration when playing and your bridge skills and etiquette should flourish.

NB A respected bridge manual was consulted before this article was written.