
Brow Lift – What to Expect

To see how you might benefit from a brow lift, try this simple exercise. Put your hands above your brows and outside the edges of your eyes and gently raise the skin upwards. If you can see a noticeable difference – a smoothing out of a sagging brow or deep furrows, you may be a good candidate for this procedure. Also known as a forehead lift, this surgery tightens loose skin removes excess skin. In some cases, they will remove a part of the muscle that causes frown lines. The result removes forehead wrinkling and drooping brows, leading to a smoother brow and ultimately a more youthful expression.


There are several surgical options available for a brow lift. In order to evaluate the best one for you, your surgeon will analyze a variety of facial factors. This includes your bone and skin structure, skin elasticity, skin texture and brow position. Based on these characteristics, along with your goals and desired outcome the doctor will select a technique that will produce the best results. The doctor may also recommend additional procedures like eyelid surgery or wrinkle treatments to supplement the base surgery. A brow lift will not improve baggy eyelids, puffy eyes, or crows feet.

The procedure

Those considering a brow lift should spend some time researching the risks and complications associated with the surgery. While rare, these may include infection, scars or loss of sensation.

Scarring is another side effect. Doctors will make every effort to make the incision so that the scar will be as inconspicuous as possible. Incisions can be placed at the hairline, behind the hairline, or in some cases, above the brow or in the mid-forehead. Your surgeon will help select the best technique suited to your particular situation.

A patient should expect full recovery from a brow lift to take several weeks. A recipient should avoid heavy lifting, vigorous exercise, or other activity for the first few weeks after surgery. Most patients return to work in about 10 days. This depends on many factors including the procedure you underwent and your own personal rate of recovery. Work to closely follow your doctor’s post-operative orders for best results. You will likely experience odd sensations of tightness, tingling, or pulling around the surgical site. These usually subside within the first few weeks, be sure to notify your doctor if they do not. Also keep in mind that it may take some time for the site to settle into its final state. It’s important not to become discouraged if during the first few weeks the surgical site does not appear as you had expected.

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