
Build Your Own Solar Panels – Factors to Consider While You Build Your Own Solar Panel

Are you aiming to build your own solar panels? If you are then you are in great luck as today I'm going to tell you some factors that will assist you in building your own solar panel.

What are the factors to consider?

1. Budget

You can either choose to give a contract some commercial company to set up a system for you or you can build one yourself. As you would expect, the budget that you need to set aside would be comparatively much higher if you hire a professional than doing it yourself. A commercial setup of solar system would cost you something around $ 20000 to $ 30000, the same job if chosen to be done on you own can be done for less than $ 1500.

2. Technical Skills

Some technical skills are required if you are to setup a solar panel yourself. A basic knowledge of sawing and working with wires would be required. If you are a DIY buff, you would have the basic skills that will be required.

3. Basic Tools and Equipment

If you have a toolbox in your home, you will find a saw, measuring tape, sand paper, screws, nails, hammer and other simple tools in there are these are the simple tools that would be needed by you.

4. Clear & Unblocked View of Sun

You need to make sure that your house is getting a clear unblocked view of the sun. The quantity of sunlight that can be captured depends on this. If there are branches of trees that block your solar panels, trim them off a bit so that you panels are able to capture maximum sunlight,

5. A Step-By-Step DIY Instruction Manual

It's highly recommended to get an instruction manual that will show you the exact steps that will help to build your own solar panels. These manuals contain complete plans and diagrams that will show exactly how to fix each component. It's easy to feel completely lost without a good manual. Following the instructions listed in the manual you can make your own solar power panel purely by spending half a weekend!

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