
Busting Some Common Apartment Rental Myths

Not sure if renting an apartment is right for you? Perhaps you've been scared away by some of the rumors (or so-called "facts") you've heard about living in an apartment building? Well, despite what you may have read or heard, apartment living is extremely desirable, safe, and efficient. This article will "bust" some of the long-standing myths about apartment living. Just be warned – the realities might surprise you.

Myth # 1: Nobody would willingly choose to live in an apartment.

Many people think that the "ultimate dream" is to live in a nice house with a garage, a big backyard, and the proverbial white picket fence. But is it really? Research conducted by the US-based National Multi Housing Council (NMHC) shows that apartment living is steadily gaining in popularity – and that a surprising 40 percent of people living in an apartment do so by choice (and not because of their financial situation).

So, why would people choose to live in an apartment, even if they can afford a home? It's quite simple, actually. Among other reasons, apartment complexes usually offer superior locations that are closer to workplaces and popular shopping centers, renters appreciate the lack of maintenance and repair responsibilities, and the freedom to pack up your things and move to a new location on a regular basis (as opposed to being tied down to a lengthy mortgage) can not be overlooked.

Myth # 2: Apartment buildings have high crime rates.

Many people think of apartments as havens for "undesirable" segments of the population and that these buildings are rife with drugs and crime. However, in reality, apartments actually help create safe and secure neighborhoods.

Much of the belief that crime is higher in apartment complexes is based on the faulty logic in believing that one apartment building is the same as a single "house". If you compare the two this way, then yes, chances are there is more crime in an apartment than an ordinary household. But if you think of an apartment as dozens or hundreds of separate "houses", you'll find that the crime rates are no higher than they are in any other type of dwelling.

Furthermore, many apartment residents say they choose apartment living specifically because they feel more secure! With 24-hour security systems, "Lobby Watch" video cameras that can be monitored on your own television, intercom packages, and on site superintendents, modern apartments are extremely safe. And with so many people coming and going, it is actually more difficult for criminals to act without being discovered.

Myth # 3: Apartments contribute to a neighborhood's traffic congestion.

While there's no denying that a single apartment building can be home to hundreds of people, it simply is not true that apartments generate more traffic congestion than other types of dwelling or neighborhoods.

As a large amount of apartment residents are young professionals, students, and seniors (as opposed to large families), they average only one vehicle per family / household, as they are more likely to use public transportation to get around town. As well, people who rent apartments generate 30 to 40 percent fewer vehicle trips than the average single-family home.

Myth # 4: Apartments increase local infrastructure costs.

While some people believe that apartment buildings put an increased burden on the community as a result of a local infrastructure costs, the clustering of apartments makes them substantially less expensive to service. It actually costs less, on a per-household basis, to provide public services to apartments, as they require few kilometers roads, sewers, and water lines.

If more people lived in apartments, instead of buying up new single-family developments (which require public services and utilities to be spread over a larger geographic area), more funds and resources could be used to support other areas of the community.

Remember, do not let the myths fool you – when it comes to great locations, affordability, security, and minimal impact on local infrastructure and resources, renting an apartment is always an excellent choice.

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