
Calories In Bee Pollen – How To Make Sure That This Is Not Just About Counting Calories!

If you were worried about the calories in bee pollen, then there is no need to be. Look at these facts from the latest calorie count which is reported in the The Daily Plate (TDP) . As their database has over 100,000 dishes listed, it is a very valuable guide to have when you are watching your weight.

According to them, one teaspoon of bee pollen which is equivalent to about 3 grams has about 10 calories. In addition, there is no fat, no salt and no cholesterol. There are about 2 grams of carbohydrates and there is no fiber content.

That number of calories can easily be burned off by doing a few household chores (3 minutes) or just by dressing or undressing (4 minutes).

Now there may be few calories in bee pollen but there are absolutely loads of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids which really make it a superfood. That puts it in a category all of its own and that is precisely why it is just not about counting calories.

The only problem about selecting which bee pollen to choose is that you have to know something about what is going on in the beekeeping world. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services have an excellent site and I have learned so many things there that I want to pass them on you so that you can make an informed choice when buying.

* Honey bees need to be protected as they are responsible for pollinating about one third of all the food we eat.

* They are under threat because of the Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) which is thought to be caused by a variety of factors such as pesticides, insecticides and perhaps global warming and climate change.

* We can help to save the honey bees just by planting a few bee friendly plants in our garden. We can get advice about flowering plants last longer in our area. We should also not forget the herbs as bees love thyme, rosemary and other herbs.

* We can forget about pesticides but use beneficial insects in our garden who will eat the nasty bugs who happened to be eating most of our flowers!

* We should leave the flowers on the plant even after they have died off so that the bees can benefit from them up to the last moment. This means that we should not dead head nor prune them too soon or too often.

These then are just a few simple ways that we can help to save the honeybees who will go on making pollen and honey and provide us with the most nutritious food on this planet. If the honeybees die out, so will the world's food supply and so will we.

As regards choosing which is the best bee pollen, we should steer clear of any polluted sources such as China, states with heavy and intensive farming, areas which have GM crops and any areas close to heavy industries.

There are not many areas like that left in the world but if you are concerned about the environment and not just about the number of calories in bee pollen, you will need to choose the safest and the best. Click through to my blog where you can learn about a world which may soon disappear.

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