
Can Oral Contraceptives Cause Candida?

Acidophilus is certainly a great way to take care of Candida overgrowth, but what if you do not know you have Candidiasis? The truth is a Candida infection causes symptoms that clearly resemble a slew of other illnesses. To make matters worse, many people continue to have an overgrowth of Candida in their system without knowing the cause. For instance, if you're a woman taking birth control pills, did you know that you have a 20% higher risk of developing Candidiasis related infections than other women?

What is the relationship between Candida overgrowth and the Pill?

Birth control pills effect hormones and induce hormonal changes that lower a woman's ability to control Candida overgrowth, which can trigger yeast infections.

Research has discovered that yeast cells have estrogen receptors which are stimulated by hormones in the birth control pill, and can cause the growth of yeast.

Most women who develop yeast infections from the Pill tend to have an outbreak when there is significant hormone chance such as when they –

– First beginning taking oral contraceptives

– Are close to their period

– Change oral contraceptives

– Go back on the Pill after discontinuing use.

However, the vast majority of women who take the pill do not develop yeast infections. Furthermore, yeast infections may develop due to other causes such as diet, antibiotics or other product use.

You can reduce the development of Candidiasis when taking oral contraceptives by:

– Sticking to cotton undergarments – Make sure your panties have cotton lining, but it's best to wear all-cotton underwear. Nylon traps moisture against your skin and does not absorb moisture like cotton does to keep skin dry. Trapped moisture breeds bacteria growth. You should also avoid nylon and spandex leotards when working out.

– Change out of exercise clothing – After you've exercised remove your clothing and put on dry clothes as soon as possible, even if you can not take a shower.

– Sleep without underwear – This will help your vaginal area to breath.

– Minimize the use of panty liners – Wearing panty liners every day can increase the risk of yeast infection because the plastic on the bottom of the liners locks in moisture. Also, when on your period, change your pad frequently.

– Lower the sugar in your diet – Refrain from eating foods that contain high sugars, as sugar encourages the growth of yeast. It's also a good idea to add yogurt that contains "active bacterial culture" to your diet to help replenish the good bacteria you need in your system that helps control yeast overgrowth.

– Avoid perfumes – Do not use scented toilet paper or feminine hygiene products this can cause irritation. In addition, if you are sensitive to perfume you also should not take spotted baths.

– Avoid douching – This washes out the good bacteria and creates an imbalance making you open to infection.

When to see your doctor

– If you have never had a vaginal yeast infection before – you should make sure you have is a yeast infection. Some sexually transmitted diseases like Herpes, can present symptoms similar to a yeast infection. Additionally, if you've never had a yeast infection, it's best to ask your doctor what over-the-counter product they recommend to help clear your infection.

There are many products and not all work to eliminate yeast. Two of the more effective and recommended products available are those that contain miconazole (Monistat 7) and clotrimazone (Gyne-Lotrimin).

– If you have to repeat yeast infections (4 or more per year) – If you are taking oral contraceptives and are developing frequent yeast infections you may want to discuss other methods of birth control with your doctor, and carefully consider your diet and lifestyle. You may also want to have your male partner checked for a yeast infection, especially if he is not circumcised, as he may be passing it on to you.

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