
CCTVs And Their Use In Different Applications

There's an ongoing questioning on whether security cameras are really necessary as they have the potential to intrude on others' privacy. It's true, not everyone's comfortable with the idea of ​​being under the watchful eye of a camera but miscreants and criminals have made the world what it is and no one can be faulted for having a genuine concern to protect their own establishments.

Commercial users are not the only ones who have a need to keep a watch on their establishments. Homeowners are making up a sizable percentage of customers as they realize that the only way to protect their properties is to have alarm systems and security cameras installed.

To prevent crime

Most CCTVs are used to prevent crime. It's a fact that people are unnerved by the sight of a security camera and more times than most, even a dummy camera is enough to deter potential miscreants from vandalizing or burgling a place.

Public areas like transportation systems, parking lots and parks witness crimepite being public places primarily because of the number of people passing through or using these facilities. If security cameras are installed, there's a very real chance of seeing crime drop. Of course, much depends on whether the surroundings are high-risk areas but even if crime rate does not reduce significantly, even a marginal change is beneficial.

To monitor traffic

CCTVs intended for traffic monitoring keep a check on congestion, potential collisions and violation of traffic rules. Road accidents account for a very high number of injuries and deaths worldwide. If drivers and pedestrians are aware that activities are being monitored, they're less likely to intentionally break rules.

Some CCTVs can act as traffic enforcement cameras to detect speed violations, recognize number plates and enforce traffic rules. Much depends on where the cameras are placed, how well they perform and how efficient the people monitoring the cameras are.

To check passenger safety

Public transport systems like subway trains see a regular rush of people getting on and off. Since the trains travel very fast and stop only for a limited time, platforms and doorways need to be monitored to make sure that all passengers are onboard before the trains set off.

The same security system can be used in amusement parks for rides and other vehicles that can not be monitored without the use of extra eyes.

To monitor zoo animals

Zoos attract high traffic and though animals are monitored by zoo authorities, it's sometimes necessary to do so using security cameras. This leaves workers free to tend to immediate tasks as the cameras can send feeds to a central location.

To monitor employee actions

Work places regularly install security cameras to monitor the actions of employees. While this may seem extreme to some, it is a good way for employers to keep a check on wherever, for example, goods are being scanned and labeled correctly, whether cash is being handled as it should, whether unauthorized entry is being checked, whether Workers are adhering to time slots and so on.

To monitor industrial processes

Industries follow processes that are dangerous to the safety of workers since putting in place safety practices. By having CCTVs installed, the processes and machineries can be monitored to give permissions insight on whether changes need to be made to processes. Additionally, cameras may also be used to monitor the temperatures of these processes, sometimes required by law.

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