
Challenges for a Mobile App Development Company

India stands second in the world, in the number of active mobile phones users. The number of people who own and use cell phones continues to grow. 1 billion Smartphone users are expected to sell in the coming year, doubling that of the number of PCs. With over 10 billion mobile Internet devices expected to be in use by 2016 which is 1.4 device per person on the planet. According to some recent research Moms spend 53 percent of their app-usage time playing games with Android phones. On iPads, that's 48 percent of their app time, and on iPhones, 31 percent. "Moms are gamers, too." So, you can certainly experience its explosive growth.

But it is not as green as it appears. Starting and establishing a mobile app development business is a hard nut to crack. Few challenges faced by start-up companies are:

Regardless of your challenges, that you'll be facing. There are a few important qualities that may lead you to success:

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