Chastity and cuckolding seem to go hand in hand, as you’ll no doubt already know if you’ve been researching the male chastity lifestyle for a while. But why do chastity and cuckolding seem to have this link, and, indeed, exactly what are they in relation to one another?
Chastity is where the male (usually) consents to allow his wife or partner to assume control of his sexuality in general and his orgasm in particular. Orgasm denial is a common facet of male chastity and periods of denial can range between just a few days to permanent orgasm denial; my husband, John, and I practice long-term denial and I allow him to orgasm just once a year now (this is not cruel or dominating — this is what he wanted).
Cuckolding is where the woman takes another lover or lovers with the consent, approval and often even the urging of her husband.
But why is this? And why is cuckolding such a common fantasy for men?
Well, to answer the second question first (at least in part) it appears to be a biological trait we’ve evolved, and is down to evolution. A man gets aroused seeing another man having sex so he can then have sex with the same woman and displace the first male’s sperm with his own (and now you know why the man’s penis is the shape it is — it’s basically a pump!). Of course our human intelligence adds a layer of subtlety and nuance to this and makes it a complex and involved fantasy – but it’s really got a very simple cause at its root.
And to answer the first question, not only is it biological in nature but now you know why male chastity means she might be going without a certain something… and some women think that’s unfair. So, part of the deal they make is if they’re going to take the time and trouble to give their man what he wants… then she wants to be able to get what she wants and needs elsewhere.
And many men agree to this quite readily, reveling in the idea of their wife having hot, passionate sex with an other men while they remain locked and chaste for very long periods of time.
Now, this brings me to a common myth I’d like to dispel here: a man’s desire or agreement for his wife to begin cuckolding him while he’s in chastity is NOT necessarily a submissive act. For some men it is, yes; but for many it’s just the sheer pleasure of the act and has nothing to do with submission at all.
I know John isn’t in the least bit submissive, but he absolutely adores the feeling of being permanently half-way to orgasm and being allowed to go all the way just once a year; and the thought of me with another man is enough to send him wild with desire… desire he can’t fulfill unless I permit it (and that’s… just once a year…).
There’s a lot of hype and nonsense about chastity and cuckolding out there, and if it’s something you’d like to ease into YOUR marriage, then it pays to listen to a genuine lifestyle couple who are living it 24/7.