
Check Out Your Contractor, As Well As Your Roofing and Siding Product Warranty

The biggest investment any individual is likely to make is the home in which the family lives. It then stands to reason that the homeowner should take an active interest in maintaining that home. The two most important parts of the home are the siding and roof.

The siding plays a key role in protecting the frame of the house, every occupant within the interior and the contents. Without the siding being in good condition to help shield and repel insects, rain or snow, rot, mold or fungus, it is only a matter of time before serious problems occur. Serious problems translate to much greater expense than just the basic home maintenance.

Traditionally the materials used in home construction were brick or wood siding. Today, there are several various options which serve as well or better than brick and wood. Cement fiber siding is one of the many types of extremely durable and beautiful siding which has gained in popularity.

The advantage of cement fiber board is that while it possesses the look of actual wood siding, it stands up to the elements and time just as well as cement. In fact it is quite likely that once the existing siding has been replaced with the cement fiber siding, the home owner will be outlived by the siding and may never need to replace any portion of the siding in their lifetime.

The other major component of a house is the roof. Roofing is the integral part of the entire home. Much like siding, without a solid and durable roof above, the interior contents of the home and walls will be destroyed in short order. Most roofing materials come with some measure of warranty. Depending upon the manufacturer and quality of the roofing material, it is common to have warranties of 15, 20, or 30 years.

Two of the most commonly installed types of roofing have been shingles and aluminum panels. Each has specific advantages and abilities which can benefit the family, as well as saving some expense on the utility bill. One may be better than the other depending upon in what region of the country the home is located. A local professional roofing contractor should have the specifics as to which type of roofing is preferred for the home owner’s locale and why.

The home owner needs to be aware of the limitations of the product warranty. While the product may be of the finest quality, if the roofing or siding is not installed properly, even the product with the longest warranty can fail. Because of this, it is extremely important to make sure that the contractor is a certified installer endorsed by the particular brand of roofing manufactured. Most manufacturers of roofing shingles and other roofing materials have certification requirements which the installer must complete in order to receive an endorsement. The home owner should be able to rest easier knowing that a quality product is going hand in hand with a quality installation.

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