
Chicken Coop Kits – A Less Expensive Alternative

You may have been thinking that chicken coop kits are the only way to go when setting up a mini home chicken farm. This couldn’t be further from the truth, with most kits being ridiculously overpriced and over hyped. This article explains the benefits of building a chicken coop from scratch, and shows you how to get started quickly.

Why “Kits” Are Not Worth Your Money

We live in the age of the Do-It-Yourself enthusiast. Pretty much every construction project can be purchased in a pre-built “kit”. This is all well and good, but what are you really paying for? 90% of the time you can be confident that a few pre-drilled holes and a fancy box is just not worth the cash!

Building A Chicken Coop From Scratch

It’s really not hard to construct a chicken coop from scratch, especially if you’ve got a quality DIY construction guide. You can generally find plans in your local hardware store, or if you’re feeling savvy, download them from the internet. There are many high quality chicken coop building plans available online, many of which come with multiple coop designs.

Coop Design Options

There are generally 4 designs to choose from. Each can be customized with your own personal touch.

1) An a-frame coop, which is a small, portable option for a home mini farm.

2) The ark coop. Also a portable option, but a slightly different design, and a bit larger too.

3) A mid-sized box type coop. Great if you want to keep a larger flock in a small area.

4) The traditional hen house. If you’re keen to build a premium chicken coop this one is for you.

Construction materials are very similar with all designs. Material lists obviously come with whatever building plan you choose, but the basic items are lumber (treated pine), chicken wire, plywood, nails, staple, and straw or sand with the flooring.

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