
Choosing Cloth Adult Diapers For Incontinence Protection – Disposable Vs Cloth

Why would you want to switch to using cloth for an incontinence issue? There are a plethora of reasons which I will outline below. Many people wonder why anyone would want to use cloth. However, people stop wondering if they have an incontinence issue. Once someone is using disposable protection every day, everyone thinks about a better way that they can manage their protection system.

Disposable incontinence protection is EXPENSIVE (I mean crazy expensive). If you have a mild case of incontinence and don’t need full coverage, using disposables won’t be as pricy (but will still do a number on your checkbook). Using cloth can cost a chunk in the beginning stages, but will pay for itself almost immediately. Sewing your own cloth incontinence diapers (like the leading disposable brand) can cost the maker about $5-$10 a piece depending on the size of the wearer and what the maker decided to use for fabric. At my local store, a package of the leading disposable diapers brand cost $48. Obviously a maker can get 4-8 reusable products for the price of one disposable bag if they decide to sew them. If the wearer only needed enough protection for 2-3 days before washing how many would they need in total? I think it’s very possible to sew enough reusable adult diapers for 3 days for the same cost as one bag of disposables.

Disposable incontinence protection is filling our land fills. I’m sure everyone has heard about the landfills and how they are getting very full. Why should people add to it if we don’t have to? Why should people put garbage on their bodies when they can put something clean and natural against their skin? Most people have started using more reusable items since the “going green” trend has started. We should be promoting people to “go green” with their incontinence protection as well!

Using cloth incontinence protection will leave you cleaner. Many people would never admit to not being ‘clean’, but this issue is important and needs to be addressed. People who use disposable products are paying almost $50 for a bag of adult disposable diapers. If they have a ‘small’ leak or accident, the wearer might decide until later to change to save on the cost of the disposable protection. People simply cannot afford to change their protection every time they have a leak or accident! If the wearer had cloth adult diapers that they could reuse, then that person would take better care of themself. They wouldn’t mind changing the incontinence protection as soon as there was a leak or accident. This is the largest reason for switching to cloth.

Cloth incontinence protection is not as demeaning as disposable. If the wearer has to wear something that looks and feels like a child’s diaper, it makes them feel inadequate, insecure, depressed and angry! However, if the wearer had an adult diaper that looked and felt like underwear, they would feel secure and would uphold their dignity.

For men: Would you want something that was fun like camo? Or would you just want adult diapers that are a dark color and looked like a stash of briefs?

Women: Would you like adult diapers that had a cute print? Would you enjoy wearing a fun bright color? Wouldn’t you like to see and feel a soft fabric compared to a crispy white disposable diaper?

There are options out there! If you purchase adult cloth diapers, you will find that the options are not as many then if you sew them yourself. Typically you will find white products, or one color per size. This is not as dramatic of a change then if you used a sewing pattern to make the incontinence adult diapers.

What if you can’t sew? Hire a WAHM (Work at home mom)! Many WAHMS are available and desperately seeking odd jobs to make the family income stretch. If you hire someone to sew incontinence protection for you, it will not only save you time, but it would help a local family.

Are you a caregiver looking for options for your client or family member? Choose cloth. Save your family or client money and give them a boost of their self esteem. Keep the trash can available for other stuff (not disposable adult diapers), and hire a wahm to make adult diapers for you. Switching to cloth is the best choice that you can make.

Above all: DON’T BE EMBARRASSED! Millions of people have incontinence issues. Millions of people use disposable products to help take care of it. Only a fraction of people use cloth because until now it hasn’t been available. Well it’s available now! Start a trend in your circle of friends by switching to cloth. You’ll feel so good about it! Your family will feel good about it!

If you have decided to use cloth and want to sew them yourself, now you have to find an adult cloth diaper pattern for incontinence protection.

I’m so glad that you are reading this and deciding to switch to cloth. You’ll be very glad that you did! Our families for future generations will be glad that we switched to cloth to save the environment too!

Happy Cloth Using!

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