Code Igniter (PHP Framework)

Code igniter is a form of development application framework which can also be referred to as a toolkit for developers or individuals who construct websites using PHP. The purpose of function of using the code igniter is to make it possible for you to develop and complete projects in less time when compared to coming up with codes from scratch. This is achieved through the code igniter giving an excellent set of commands for frequently required tasks. It also provides a straightforward interface with consistent structures for easy access to these libraries. It is therefore clear that when using a code igniter you will be able to innovatively concentrate on your project by reducing the number of code required to accomplish a given task.

Code igniter would be most suitable if:

  • You are looking to create a framework with a tiny footprint
  • You require outstanding presentation of performance
  • I case you require extensive compatibility when dealing with regular hosting accounts which manage different PHP versions as well as configurations
  • You need a specific framework that can function with almost zero configurations
  • You are looking to create a framework which can function without the use of a command line
  • You require a framework which will not limit you to working with specific coding rules
  • You wish to do away and g on with your project without using any restrictive libraries such as PEAR
  • You do not wish to study a templating language (however, you can make learn and make use of a template parser if you so wish)
  • You require comprehensible, systematic documentation

Similarities between code igniter and cakephp:

These two are examples of MVC and can be compared in regards to strengths and weaknesses. To begin with code igniter and cake php are very similar in how they deal with a number of things which would include PHP4 support. The mention of one of these web programming languages ​​will definitely lead to the mention of the other. There similarity also comes in their attempt to construct MVC architecture since they both take apart the model from the controller and finally from the view which is what is seen by the viewer.

They are both known to make use of routing which involves taking a URL and mapping it to a certain task inside a controller. In regards to regular expressions support for routing, code igniter and cakephp are both enable to do carry out this function. Both of these programming languages ​​support scaffolding which is best described as a computerized way of creating a view based on a specified model. Although this function is usually reserved for less complicated prototyping, code igniter goes a step forward by inputting a keyword in the URL which will assist in accessing the scaffolding. This however is optional since some people work on private projects not meant for the public, therefore making use of a keyword would simply be a bother and would be of no use.