A question that Voyageur Flooring often hears from homeowners is “should I refinish or resurface my hardwood floors”? The difference between those two services is quite considerable. The differences are centered around what’s actually done to the hardwood floor and the cost associated with the service.
To refinish hardwood floors, Voyageur Flooring, actually sands your floor with a heavy sand paper and removes the top layer of finish and wood. The purpose of this is to remove all deep knicks, scrapes, scratches, stains, etc. This process is applied to hardwood floors that have significant wear and tear. Often times hardwood floors have been neglected and as a result a hardwood floor refinishing is the only option.
Voyageur Flooring works with a lot of younger home owners who’ve purchased older homes that had carpet when they purchased the home, but now desire to tear the carpet up because hardwood floors have been found underneath. This is a great time to refinish hardwood floors. Other floors have minor scratches and imperfections that are not as deep. These imperfections can often be cured by a resurfacing.
To resurface a hardwood floor, Voyageur Flooring buffs the existing finish and applies a new coat of finish. Voyageur Flooring uses a water based finish which offers better protection than an oil based finish. You should request a water based finish from your local hardwood flooring professional. The difference in price between a refinish and a resurface is about 2.00 per foot. Hardwood Floor resurfacing doesn’t not include a sanding but rather a buffing.