
Components of DIY Solar Panel Kits

Basic DIY solar panel kits have the following components which when put together to make a solar panel can help you to save money which you, would otherwise, pay as electricity bills.

1. Plywood: This wood is very inexpensive and can be bought from any hardware store. It is advisable that you buy plywood in large sheets as you will need to cut down the plywood in smaller sizes to build your solar panel. This component is one of the most important in DIY solar panel kits as it forms the basic frame of the panel.

2. Solar Cells: These cells are also now becoming inexpensive day-by-day. You can obtain solar cells from any hardware/electronic store. If you live in an urban area then you can buy these cells from specialist shops that keep a huge stock of these cells.

3. Glass Sheet: You can obtain this at a reasonable cost from glaziers. If you do not have the basic carpentry skills then it is advisable that you cut it from the glazier, as it requires a fair amount of skill to cut glass sheets.

4. Copper wire: You can get this wire from electronic or hardware stores. It will be more inexpensive if you buy a large roll of copper wire.

5. Passive Solar Home Plans: This is the most integral part included in all the solar panel kits as it brings all the above mentioned components together. It also allows you to convert them into a functional, power generating panel. Here, you will find measurements, diagrams and visual representations that are more helpful than words. You will also get instructions on how to wire up and install the finished system in your home.

All these components included in the kit will help you to build a solar panel by yourself and that too at a very reasonable cost.

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