
Consistency: "Groovin" To The Music

The definition of groove is” a long, narrow cut or depression, esp. one made to guide motion or receive a corresponding ridge” according to the Google search engine. When you learn a new technique, you have to know what actions are inside and outside the groove. Actions outside the groove, normally, lead to failure and the ones inside the groove, normally, lead to success. If you could picture yourself in an unlit stairwell, your groove would be the bannister. It would guide you up and down the stairwell and prevent you from falling. As your eyes adjust to the darkness, through practice, your eyes begin to focus. You gain the ability to see the stairs clearly and no longer need the bannister for guidance. You become proficient at your new technique.

The best way to reinforce the boundaries of the new technique is commit your technique to music. This means that you create a rhythmical beat inside your head that acts like the bannister described above. It guides you through the technique; and after a while, it becomes second nature, just like when your eyes learned to focus in the darkness of the unlit stairwell. You become able to perform your actions without overthinking them. You do not hesitate in your decision making process. You learn to stop second guessing your actions. Sometimes, bad results and failure result from the paralysis due to over analysis.

Dancers commit their dance routines to an 8 count. Each movement or step is assigned to a number 1 through 8. The repetitive 8 count sequence allows dancers to perform complicated routines without have to think about every step or movement. It frees the dancer to bring out the creative elements in the dance. It is not necessary for the beat in your head to be an 8 count. Your beat just needs to be consistent so that it will guide you to repeated success. If you have no rhythm in your head, it becomes difficult to know whether or not you are in your groove. You tend to overthink your technique and are more susceptible to making unnecessary changes of your technique on the fly. These impromptu changes lead to confusion and a lack of self-confidence.

Consistency is the key to success. A person that is able to do the same things in the same or similar situations is more likely to win a contest. An inconsistent person is more likely to fail. The ability to hear the music in your head during your execution of a technique is crucial to winning. The beautiful music in your head will help you relax in stressful situations, perform at a high level, and win most of the contests you enter.

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