Construct a Timber Frame Shed – Steps To Make A Shed The Right Way

Constructing a timber frame shed is easier than you think. It is known to be one of the most ancient and traditional forms of construction. Earlier it was built using timber logs. It makes for an excellent storage shed without having to spend a lot of money.

Every timber frame shed is made of basic components such as studs, joists, posts, sheathing and siding and is extremely durable. A timber frame shed is extremely cost-effective, has a unique character, is eco-friendly and has a great aesthetic appeal.

Let's take a look at how you can construct a timber frame shed in a few simple steps.

A detailed plan needs to be drawn for a timber frame shed to be constructed. The plan should show the location and height for all posts, length of beams, space to add door or other opening. Clean the site off any trees or debris and create a leveled base for the shed marking the corner posts.

Start off by digging up corner post holes using a shell digger which can lift the soil straight out of a hole. Ensure the bottom of post holes is a firm one. Place the corner post into a hole by mixing concrete and gently position it. You need to follow this one method to install all the posts by pouring concrete on the vertical post until it stiffens.

The above method used for installing the corner post can also be used for the installation of doors. The corner posts raised in this manner can give much strength to the shed's structure.

The next step is to install the window posts. The windows can be placed between the posts in the same manner as the corner posts. You need to consider the length of each window and accordingly place the posts.

To make the roof line, set it with a plank of 4×4 on the top of all posts which are installed. The roof needs to be fitted on the outside and needs to be made horizontal.

Start nailing the pieces of lumber to the door and corner posts. The first piece is supposed to be closer to the ground and needs to be horizontally placed. Repeat the same process until the top. Trim the parts of the studding that has crossed the window and door frames.

You can structure the roof yourself or buy one of those ready-made roof trusses and place them on the shed. The trusses which appear to be connected by stringers ensure that they are held tightly until the fitting of the braces could be done. Doing this will give more stability to the trusses.

After the frames are all done, finish your timber frame shed by adding roof siding, door handles, knobs and then fit the windows. Before you know it, you timber frame shed is done.