
Cost-Saving Affordable House Plans

Building your dream home yet remaining within a realistic budget can be one of the most challenging aspects of home building. If you build the dream home you really want but can’t afford you either don’t build or surpass your budget and probably lose your home in the process. At the other spectrum, you may be able to build an inexpensive house but it may not please you at all, thus making you feel as though you just threw away a whole lot of money.

Costs are now more important than ever. Faced with rising construction material costs, it is important to carefully examine ways of keeping building costs down. Whether you are a single person with a limited budget, a retiree on a fixed income or financially comfortable yet cautiously conservative you will undoubtedly want to exercise some effective control over the budget.

Quality Of Plans

Generally there are two variables that can influence cost: quality and quantity in the construction, but there is a third, equally important variable; that of quality of plans. The structural design of the house plans can be one of the most effective means of achieving valuable cost saving measures. Economical house plans that reduce construction costs follow a standardized grid system layout in their design.

Recent studies have been reported in major building magazines demonstrating the positive results of preplanned designs and smart value engineering applied to new construction. Builders, developers and homeowners alike are taking notice. The potential dollar savings resulting from reduced construction cycle time also decrease construction loan costs, further enhancing the benefits of efficient building design.

The key to cost savings in frame construction is preplanning, using standard lumber, panel and pre-engineered components in the house plan design. By employing a modular type grid system when laying out a design with the major module of 48″ and the minor module of 24″, a standardized planning guide is applied to the overall exterior house dimensions (or foot print). Coordinating floor, ceiling and roof construction with these dimensions enables full use of standardized, readily available construction materials at significant savings.

House plans that employ this system in their overall design layout and structural configuration are a must toward implementing money-saving techniques.

Other Quality Features In Affordable House Plans Include:

Cost-Saving Methods And Materials

In addition, the building industry today provides some beneficial standard material and methods which can help to minimize construction costs:

Economical and affordable house plans achieve savings through their quality. Efficient house plans that use grids and modules in their design layout can save money by avoiding waste of materials. Selective usage of methods and materials are vital in cost-saving construction. Simplified structure and standardized building unites will save you money. Choose wisely.

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