
Coyote Hunting Tips

You’re going to get six of the best coyote hunting tips that I’ve learned over the past 20 years of coyote hunting. Let me start by telling you that if you are a beginner, coyote hunting is a lot of fun.  Every time I go I have a blast and learn something new about the critters.

There are lots of ways to hunt coyotes.  I’m going to give you tips on what I believe to be the most fun way to hunt coyotes, calling them to you. The first coyote hunting tip that I’ll give you is that you will need to do a little scouting before hand to find some areas were coyotes are actually frequenting.  These areas will include timber, ditches, grassy areas, water holes and basically locations where there is a good amount of cover.  In these areas you will be looking for “coyote sign”. Look for coyote tracks, both old and new, coyote dens, and coyotes scat (droppings).

Here is the second coyote hunting tip I’ll give you.  Let’s say that you have now found an area where there is good coyotes sign and you are ready to go hunting.  Always set yourself up to call down wind of where you expect the coyote to come from (timber, ditch, grassy area, etc.).  Coyotes have an exceptional sense of smell so you don’t want them to get wind of you.

The third coyote hunting tip is you always wear camo clothing that blends in with the season.  In other words if it is fall and trees, grass, etc are turning brown, I would recommend  brown and green camo.  If it is winter and there’s snow on the ground I would recommend white camo.  Just be sure you blend in as well as possible with your surroundings.  Coyotes also have very good eyesight so anything you can do to not be detected it is highly recommended.

Coyote hunting tip number four is to hunt with a partner whenever possible.  I seldom hunt alone.  One reason is safety.  The main reason though is being able to see the whole area that you are hunting.  It can be very hard for one person to scan the entire area by yourself without a lot of movement.  The less you move the better.

Number five and is to choose the right call for your area.  I live in Missouri where a large part of the coyotes diet is cottontail rabbit and field mice.  So I mainly use a cottontail rabbit distress call and a mouse squeaker.  The key for you will be to determine what the coyotes in your area are eating  and use the proper call.  If you live out west where jack rabbits or more prevalent than cottontails, you would probably want to use a jackrabbit distress call which has a lot raspier tone than a cottontail call.

Coyote hunting tip number six is to start  calling very low in volume.  The reason for this is that there could be a coyote very close to you.  If you were to start calling very loudly it may spook the coyote.  After a couple of times of calling very low in volume, you should begin calling louder and louder.  If a coyote does not appear in about 20 minutes, I suggest moving on to another area.

Hope these have been helpful coyote hunting tips. Now get out there and have yourself some fun.  And be sure to take a child hunting whenever possible.

Kevin Webster

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