
Critique Of Ira M Freeman’s Book: All About The Atom

Ira M. Freeman assists understanding (at the least, stirs curiosity) about the intelligence created in a single molecule and explains the atoms’ propensity to selectively join or bond into mutually beneficial substrates. The author relates a most fundamental attempt to explain the Atom and its particles to those who might know least about the very start of life and recognizable phenomena. For those desiring an easy introduction into the substance and workability of atoms and about the intelligence created in a single molecule, this is the book for the curious, for both young and old, and for those with abiding interest in physics or metaphysics. Without the atom, even religion could not exist.

As we stretch hypothesis, so might atom intelligence stretch imagination to its utmost; in the grasp of speculation, we consider the possibility of intelligence for anything having predilection to improvement acting upon this compulsion, the elements can manifest change by either attraction, decision, or benefit intent. To gather some perception of size and substance in the free-wheeling, single atom, Freeman suggests, “… it would take about 3 million billion carbon atoms to create the period ink at this sentence end (when printed) – and this entire molecule complement, regardless its perceived state, is never still – continuously moved – never at rest – average speed about 1700 feet per second. A molecule in the air bumps into other molecules about five billion times a second.”

In a chemical and biological review of matter, Freeman explains how Atoms create energy and energy causes element atoms to behave in different ways. About 100 elements, give or take a few, have been discovered; importantly, each element is composed of its own peculiar atom construction, with specific proton, neutron, and electron components – plus even more elusive to define components. Regardless atom appearance, albeit in water, trees, humans, or copper wire, the atom comprises mostly space. Its nucleus constitutes only about 1/10000th total atom volume. Swinging around the atom’s outer circumference (energy shell [sic]) are electron orbitals (a quantum concept encompassing the potential track whole around each atom. We might also consider: an electron, speeding around the Hydrogen single proton core, weighs only 1/1836th as much as the core it orbits.

Freeman, rather simply, explains the appearance of perceivable atom masses. In our world, element atoms comprise all forms of solids, liquids, and gas (Iron becomes gas at 10000°). Mixtures of elements (matter) are called compounds. And, compound mixtures create energy! Light furnishes energy. Energy changes matter! Matter creates energy! E = mc2 proves in experiment and the following statement, in essence: the relativity theory adds something new; wherewith, matter can be changed into energy, and energy into matter. Electrons, by changing orbitals, directly or indirectly create every conceivable convenience, tool, or device from the quantum within and outside its proton or proton-neutron nuclei’s induced energy shell [sic].

How wonderful to simplify life itself! Without directing our propensity to evolve, we might still be chipping flint tools and arrowheads, striking sparks in the processes but never realizing the great potential in particles flying from abraded rocks; for these are energy particles-which might just as easily have fueled a human cell. An unwritten law governs atom combination into compounds, evolved to substrates, into advanced substrates, into super-substrates, on and on, and finally into ADP and ATP workhorses in cellular construction and maintenance. But this is advanced and not a part of Freeman’s simplistic presentation. We include cellular propensity merely to illustrate the atom’s importance to human welfare and development. Computer programs and memory, too, are only atom particles potential awaiting instigation. Absolutely amazing!

In Freeman’s simplistic account, he remarks how Man first learned to use fire, make tools, instill metaphysics, utilize the power of steam, and later electricity. Today he stands at the door of a new age – the Age of Atoms. The things to come we can only imagine.

In addition to this brief study on physics, you are invited to further study, into more physics, and into metaphysics, another fascinating study and as full of surprises as the physics world. Discover why ‘Ten Ages’ are the least understood but the most important contribution to Bible eschatology. Physics and metaphysics are related, inasmuch as both investigate our relation to invisible worlds.

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